![Workspace](https://github.com/mentos1386/workspace/workflows/workspace/badge.svg) ![Packages](https://github.com/mentos1386/workspace/workflows/packages/badge.svg) # my workspace as a docker container - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Clipboard](#clipboard) - [References](#references) # TODO: - [x] Multiarch build - [x] Github actions - [ ] Add the tools i use - zsh, spaceship-prompt, git - [ ] Add the configurations i have - zsh, git, nextcloud # Introduction [blink shell](https://blink.sh) is an excellent minimalistic SSH and mosh client for apple mobile devices. For some folks, like me that's a tool #1, I spent most of the time in terminal (also I work mostly from the iPad pro). In this repo, i'm trying to create a full development/living workspace inside docker containers. One of the requirements is that docker image produced should work on arm-based devices as well as on amd64. To allow for same experiance if you are on RaspberryPi or on your VPS. ## Why so complex First i planed to just create a Dockerfile and build it using buildx multiarch capabilities. But i soon run in to issue that tools i use aren't available for ARM. As a solution, i started compiling them myself which resulted in a bunch of Dockerfiles and duplicated github actions. To solve this, i created "workspace" cli tool to manage this. Yeah i know, oeverengineering. But i want to have a simple way of bumping and adding new packages. # Clipboard Paste from iPad to blink works out of the box, but in opposite it depends. If we copy wrapped lines, usually they breaks. I don't mind apps with menus and interfaces (i.e. `mc`, `tmux` with window splits, editors, etc.) As for now, the perfect solution is to use OSC52 escape codes, these works well with ssh and recent `mosh`. # References [vim-oscyank plugin](https://github.com/ojroques/vim-oscyank)