Andrius Kairiukstis 1f89051b18 Updated vim plugin
2020-12-11 14:53:26 +01:00

154 lines
3.7 KiB

dotfiles for env
<!-- MarkdownTOC autolink="true" uri_encoding="false" levels="1,2,3,4,5,6" GFM -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Clipboard](#clipboard)
- [Disclamer](#disclamer)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Development setup with docker](#development-setup-with-docker)
- [Start and stop service](#start-and-stop-service)
- [Access host from the blink](#access-host-from-the-blink)
- [References](#references)
- [Demo](#demo)
<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->
# Introduction
[blink shell]( is an excellent minimalistic SSH and mosh client
for apple mobile devices.
For some folks, like me that's a tool #1, I spent most of the time in terminal
(also I work mostly from the iPad pro).
Here I share blink-related dotfiles and create a development repository.
Feel free to use, share and of course to contribute!
# Clipboard
Paste from iPad to blink works out of the box, but in opposite it depends. If we
copy wrapped lines, usually they breaks. I don't mind apps with menus and
interfaces (i.e. `mc`, `tmux` with window splits, editors, etc.)
As for now, the perfect solution is to use OSC52 escape codes, these works well
with ssh and recent `mosh`.
## Disclamer
In order to get clipboard setup working, we need recent software: tmux 3+, mosh
1.3+, vim 8+ or neovim 4.3+
Check your repository first! Usually it means that such apps should be compiled
or installed using [brew]( (yes, it works with linux too!)
# Setup
Clone repository to the .dotfiles folder:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Tmux setup:
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
VIM or neovim setup:
mkdir -p ~/.config
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/nvim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
git clone ~/.cache/vim/dein/repos/
# vim users: replace nvim by vim below
nvim -V1 -es -i NONE -N --noplugin -u "/home/${SSH_USER}/.config/nvim/config/vimrc" \
-c "try | call dein#clear_state() | call dein#update() | finally | messages | qall! | endtry"
# Development setup with docker
It is possible to test stuff with docker. Given dockerfiles just contains `openssh-server`
and `mosh-server`, and minimal setup to get things working. It is possible to
test them directly from the blink shell
Supported docker services (and operating systems):
- alpine
tmux, mosh and neovim installed with apk, clipboard does not work with mosh;
- debian
tmux and mosh compiled, vim installed as a package. Clipboard works correctly;
- brew
debian with homebrew installed. tmux, mosh and neovim installed with brew,
everything works;
- ubuntu
ubunut 20.10 with apt-get installed tmux, mosh and vim. Clipboard works
## Start and stop service
To start:
# assign alpine, debian, brew or ubuntu to the SERVICE
SERVICE=alpine && \
docker-compose build --force-rm --pull ${SERVICE} && \
docker-compose up -d ${SERVICE} && \
docker-compose logs -ft --tail=100 ${SERVICE}
To stop:
docker-compose rm --stop --force
## Access host from the blink
Each time when you build new docker image, SSH keys would be updated, so cleanup
known hosts file first:
rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts
SSH access:
ssh -oPort=22022 blink@host
mosh access:
mosh blink@host -P 22022 -p 22022
(if there is issue due to the busy UDP port, you might kill mosh-server first):
docker-compose exec alpine killall mosh-server
# References
[vim-oscyank plugin](
# Demo
[download link](./docs/sceencast.mp4)