Peter Zimon 8993409296
Error page improvements (#639)

Error page fixes and improvements
- uses default template (i.e. standard header and footer) on 404 error page
- fixed not displaying authors and primary tags on recommended posts on 404 error page
- fixed background for navigation bar on generic error page
- refined error code and message styles
2019-10-28 16:28:25 +01:00

30 lines
968 B

This error template is used for all 404 errors, which might occur on your site.
It's a good idea to keep this template as minimal as possible in terms of both file size and complexity.
{{!< default}}
{{!-- The tag above means: insert everything in this file
into the {body} of the default.hbs template --}}
<header class="site-header">
{{> site-header}}
<main id="site-main" class="site-main outer error-content">
<div class="inner">
<section class="error-message">
<h1 class="error-code">{{statusCode}}</h1>
<p class="error-description">{{message}}</p>
<a class="error-link" href="{{@site.url}}">Go to the front page →</a>
{{#get "posts" limit="3" include="authors,tags"}}
<div class="post-feed">
{{#foreach posts}}
{{> "post-card"}}