Merge pull request #541 from mozilla/refactor-ftl

removed .title and .alt attributes from ftl
This commit is contained in:
Danny Coates 2017-08-27 00:06:03 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 182bde30fa
41 changed files with 287 additions and 978 deletions

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Deprendi más
uploadPageDropMessage = Suelta equí'l to ficheru p'aniciar la xuba
uploadPageSizeMessage = Pal meyor funcionamientu, lo meyor ye que'l to ficheru seya menor de 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Esbilla un ficheru nel to ordenador
.title = Esbilla un ficheru nel to ordenador
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Esbilla un ficheru pa unviar
.title = Esbilla un ficheru pa unviar
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Anguaño nun se sofita la xuba múltiple de ficheros o carpetes.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Xubir ficheru
uploadingPageProgress = Xubiendo { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Descifrando...
notifyUploadDone = Finó la to xuba.
uploadingPageMessage = Namái que'l ficheru xuba, sedrás a afitar les opciones de caducidá.
uploadingPageCancel = Encaboxar xuba
.title = Encaboxar xuba
uploadCancelNotification = Encaboxóse la to xuba.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Esti ficheru ye grande y pue entardar daqué en xubir. ¡Paciencia!
uploadingFileNotification = Avísame cuando se complete la xuba.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Preparáu pa unviar
.alt = Xubir
uploadSvgAlt = Xubir
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = L'enllaz del to ficheru caducará dempués d'una descarga o en 24 hores.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copia y comparti l'enllaz pa unviar el to ficheru: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar al cartafueyu
.title = Copiar al cartafueyu
copiedUrl = ¡Copióse!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Desaniciar ficheru
.title = Desaniciar ficheru
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Unviar otru ficheru
.title = Unviar otru ficheru
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Baxar
downloadAltText = Baxar
downloadFileName = Baxar { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = El to collaciu unvióte un ficheru usando Firefox Send, un serviciu que te permite compartir ficheros con un enllaz seguru, priváu y cifráu que caduca automáticamente p'asegurar que les to coses nun queden siempres na rede.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Baxar
.title = Baxar
downloadNotification = Completóse la to descarga.
downloadFinish = Descarga completada
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Prueba Firefox Send
.title = Prueba Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Baxando { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Dexa esta llingüeta abierta entrín vamos en cata del to ficheru y lu desciframos, por favor.
.alt = Fallu de xuba
errorAltText = Fallu de xuba
errorPageHeader = ¡Daqué foi mal!
errorPageMessage = Hebo un fallu xubiendo'l ficheru.
errorPageLink = Unviar otru ficheru
fileTooBig = Esti ficheru ye mui grande como pa xubilu. Debería tener menos de { $size }.
.alt = Enllaz caducáu
linkExpiredAlt = Enllaz caducáu
expiredPageHeader = ¡Esti enllaz caducó o enxamás nun esistó!
notSupportedHeader = El to restolador nun ta sofitáu.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = L'usu de Firefox Send tamién ta suxetu al <a>Avisu de priv
deletePopupText = ¿Desaniciar esti ficheru?
deletePopupYes = Sí
deletePopupCancel = Encaboxar
.title = Desaniciar
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Desaniciar
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Llegal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Tocante a Test Pilot

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Ətraflı öyrən
uploadPageDropMessage = Yükləmək üçün faylınızı buraya daşıyın
uploadPageSizeMessage = Xidmətin daha yaxşı işləməsi üçün faylınız 1 GB-dan az olmalıdır
uploadPageBrowseButton = Kompüterinizdən fayl seçin
.title = Kompüterinizdən fayl seçin
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Yüklənəcək faylı seçin
.title = Yüklənəcək faylı seçin
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Birdən çox fayl və ya qovluq yükləmə hələlik dəstəklənmir.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Fayl yüklə
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) yüklənir
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Şifrə açılır...
notifyUploadDone = Yükləməniz hazırdır.
uploadingPageMessage = Faylınız yükləndikdən sonra vaxtı çıxma seçimlərini qura biləcəksiz.
uploadingPageCancel = Yükləməni ləğv et
.title = Yükləməni ləğv et
uploadCancelNotification = Yükləməniz ləğv edildi.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Fayl böyükdür və yükləmək çox vaxt ala bilər. Səbirli olun!
uploadingFileNotification = Yükləmə bitdiyində xəbər ver.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Göndərməyə hazır
.alt = Yüklə
uploadSvgAlt = Yüklə
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Faylınızın keçidinin 1 endirmədən və ya 24 saatdan sonra vaxtı çıxacaq.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Faylınızı göndərmək üçün keçidi köçürün: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Buferə köçür
.title = Mübadilə buferinə köçür
copiedUrl = Köçürüldü!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Faylı sil
.title = Faylı sil
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Başqa fayl göndər
.title = Başqa fayl göndər
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Endir
downloadAltText = Endir
downloadFileName = { $filename } faylını endir
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Yoldaşınız Firefox Send ilə sizə fayl göndərir, fayllarınızı təhlükəsiz, məxfi, şifrələnmiş və daima onlayn qalmaması üçün avtomatik silən fayl göndərmə xidməti.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Endir
.title = Endir
downloadNotification = Endirməniz tamamlandı.
downloadFinish = Endirmə Tamamlandı
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send Yoxla
.title = Firefox Send Yoxla
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } faylı ({ $size }) endirilir
downloadingPageMessage = Lütfən faylı endirib şifrəsini açarkən vərəqi açıq buraxın.
.alt = Yükləmə xətası
errorAltText = Yükləmə xətası
errorPageHeader = Nəsə səhv getdi!
errorPageMessage = Faylı yüklərkən xəta baş verdi.
errorPageLink = Başqa fayl göndər
fileTooBig = Fayl yükləmək üçün çox böyükdür. Fayl { $size }-dan az olmalıdır.
.alt = Keçidin vaxtı çıxıb
linkExpiredAlt = Keçidin vaxtı çıxıb
expiredPageHeader = Keçidin vaxtı çıxıb və ya heç vaxt olmayıb!
notSupportedHeader = Səyyahınız dəstəklənmir.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Firefox Send saytının istifadəsi həmçinin Mozilla-nın
deletePopupText = Fayl silinsin?
deletePopupYes = Bəli
deletePopupCancel = Ləğv et
.title = Sil
.title = Keçidi Köçürt
deleteButtonHover = Sil
copyUrlHover = Keçidi Köçürt
footerLinkLegal = Hüquqi
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Test Pilot Haqqında

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ siteSubtitle = ওয়েব গবেষণা
siteFeedback = প্রতিক্রিয়া
uploadPageLearnMore = আরও জানুন
uploadPageBrowseButton = আপনার কম্পিউটারে ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন
.title = আপনার কম্পিউটারে ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = ফাইল আপলোড
importingFile = ইম্পোর্ট হচ্ছে...
verifyingFile = যাচাই হচ্ছে...
@ -12,33 +11,22 @@ encryptingFile = ইনক্রিপট হচ্ছে...
decryptingFile = ডিক্রিপট হচ্ছে...
notifyUploadDone = আপনার আপলোড সম্পন্ন হয়েছে।
uploadingPageCancel = আপলোড বাতিল করুন
.title = আপলোড বাতিল করুন
uploadCancelNotification = আপনার অাপলোড বাতিল করা হয়েছে।
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = পাঠানোর জন্য প্রস্তুত
.alt = আপলোড
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
uploadSvgAlt = আপলোড
copyUrlFormButton = ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি করুন
.title = ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি করুন
copiedUrl = কপি করা হয়েছে!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = ফাইল মুছুন
.title = ফাইল মুছুন
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = আরেকটি ফাইল পাঠান
.title = আরেকটি ফাইল পাঠান
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = ডাউনলোড
downloadAltText = ডাউনলোড
downloadFileName = ডাউনলোড { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = ডাউনলোড
.title = ডাউনলোড
downloadNotification = আপনার ডাউনলোড সম্পন্ন হয়েছে।
downloadFinish = ডাউনলোড সম্পন্ন
.alt = আপালোডে ত্রুটি
errorAltText = আপালোডে ত্রুটি
errorPageHeader = কোন সমস্যা হয়েছে!
errorPageLink = আরেকটি ফাইল পাঠান
updateFirefox = Firefox হালনাগাদ করুন
@ -53,10 +41,8 @@ legalHeader = শর্তাবলী এবং গোপনীয়তা
deletePopupText = ফাইলটি মুছতে চান?
deletePopupYes = হ্যাঁ
deletePopupCancel = বাতিল
.title = মুছে ফেলুন
.title = URL অনুলিপি করুন
deleteButtonHover = মুছে ফেলুন
copyUrlHover = URL অনুলিপি করুন
footerLinkLegal = আইনগত
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Test Pilot পরিচিতি

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Més informació
uploadPageDropMessage = Arrossegueu el fitxer aquí per començar a pujar-lo
uploadPageSizeMessage = Funciona millor quan els fitxers tenen menys d'1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Trieu un fitxer de l'ordinador
.title = Trieu un fitxer de l'ordinador
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Seleccioneu el fitxer que voleu pujar
.title = Seleccioneu el fitxer que voleu pujar
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Actualment no es permet pujar diversos fitxers ni una carpeta.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Puja el fitxer
uploadingPageProgress = S'està pujant { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = S'està desxifrant…
notifyUploadDone = La pujada ha acabat.
uploadingPageMessage = Quan s'hagi acabat de pujat el fitxer, podreu definir les opcions de caducitat.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancel·la la pujada
.title = Cancel·la la pujada
uploadCancelNotification = La pujada s'ha cancel·lat.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Aquest fitxer és gros i pot trigar una estona a pujar. Espereu assegut…
uploadingFileNotification = Notifica'm quan s'acabi de pujar.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Llest per enviar
.alt = Puja
uploadSvgAlt = Puja
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = L'enllaç al fitxer caducarà quan es baixi una vegada o d'aquí 24 hores.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copieu l'enllaç i compartiu-lo per enviar el fitxer: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copia al porta-retalls
.title = Copia al porta-retalls
copiedUrl = Copiat!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Suprimeix el fitxer
.title = Suprimeix el fitxer
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Envieu un altre fitxer
.title = Envieu un altre fitxer
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Baixa
downloadAltText = Baixa
downloadFileName = Baixeu { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Un amic us ha enviat un fitxer amb el Firefox Send, un servei que permet compartir fitxers mitjançant un enllaç segur, privat i xifrat que caduca automàticament per tal que les vostres dades no es conservin a Internet per sempre.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Baixa
.title = Baixa
downloadNotification = La baixada ha acabat.
downloadFinish = Ha acabat la baixada
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Proveu el Firefox Send
.title = Proveu el Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = S'està baixant { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Deixeu aquesta pestanya oberta per tal que el fitxer es pugui baixar i desxifrar.
.alt = S'ha produït un error en pujar
errorAltText = S'ha produït un error en pujar
errorPageHeader = Hi ha hagut un problema
errorPageMessage = S'ha produït un error en pujar el fitxer.
errorPageLink = Envieu un altre fitxer
fileTooBig = Aquest fitxer és massa gros per pujar-lo. Ha de tenir menys de { $size }.
.alt = L'enllaç ha caducat
linkExpiredAlt = L'enllaç ha caducat
expiredPageHeader = Aquest enllaç ha caducat o no existeix.
notSupportedHeader = El vostre navegador no és compatible.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = L'ús del Firefox Send també està subjecte a l'<a>Avís d
deletePopupText = Voleu suprimir aquest fitxer?
deletePopupYes = Sí
deletePopupCancel = Cancel·la
.title = Suprimeix
.title = Copia l'URL
deleteButtonHover = Suprimeix
copyUrlHover = Copia l'URL
footerLinkLegal = Avís legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Quant al Test Pilot

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Zjistit více
uploadPageDropMessage = Přesunutím souboru sem spustíte jeho nahrávání
uploadPageSizeMessage = Nahrávání funguje nejlépe pro soubory do velikosti 1 GB.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Vybrat soubor z počítače
.title = Výběr souboru z počítače
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Zvolte soubor k nahrání
.title = Zvolte soubor k nahrání
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nahrávání více souborů najednou nebo celých složek zatím není podporováno.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Nahrát soubor
uploadingPageProgress = Nahrávání souboru { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Probíhá dešifrování…
notifyUploadDone = Nahrávání vašeho souboru bylo dokončeno.
uploadingPageMessage = Po dokončení nahrávání můžete nastavit dobu expirace souboru.
uploadingPageCancel = Zrušit nahrávání
.title = Zrušit nahrávání
uploadCancelNotification = Nahrávání vašeho souboru bylo zrušeno.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Tento soubor je veliký a jeho nahrávání může chvíli trvat. Posaďte se na chvilku.
uploadingFileNotification = Upozornit, až bude nahrávání dokončeno.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Připraveno k odeslání
.alt = Nahrát
uploadSvgAlt = Nahrát
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Platnost odkazu na váš soubor vyprší po jeho prvním stažení, nebo po 24 hodinách.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Zkopírujte a sdílejte odkaz na váš soubor: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Zkopírovat do schránky
.title = Zkopírovat do schránky
copiedUrl = Zkopírováno!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Smazat soubor
.title = Smazání souboru
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Poslat další soubor
.title = Poslat další soubor
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Stáhnout
downloadAltText = Stáhnout
downloadFileName = Stáhnout { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Někdo vám posílá soubor pomocí služby Firefox Send, které umožňuje bezpečné, soukromí a šifrované sdílení souborů, které jsou pak automaticky smazány, aby nezůstaly na internetu navěky.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Stáhnout
.title = Stáhnout
downloadNotification = Stahování bylo dokončeno.
downloadFinish = Stahování dokončeno
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Vyzkoušejte Firefox Send
.title = Vyzkoušejte Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Stahování { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Ponechte prosím tento panel otevřený, dokud nepřipravíme váš soubor a nedešifrujeme ho.
.alt = Chyba při nahrávání souboru
errorAltText = Chyba při nahrávání souboru
errorPageHeader = Nastala chyba!
errorPageMessage = Při nahrávání souboru se vyskytl problém.
errorPageLink = Poslat další soubor
fileTooBig = Tento soubor je příliš veliký. Velikost nahrávaných souborů by neměla překročit { $size }.
.alt = Platnost odkazu vypršela
linkExpiredAlt = Platnost odkazu vypršela
expiredPageHeader = Platnost tohoto odkazu buď vypršela, nebo vůbec nikdy neexistoval.
notSupportedHeader = Váš prohlížeč není podporován.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Používání webové služby Firefox Send se řídí <a>Z
deletePopupText = Smazat tento soubor?
deletePopupYes = Ano
deletePopupCancel = Zrušit
.title = Smazat
.title = Kopírovat URL
deleteButtonHover = Smazat
copyUrlHover = Kopírovat URL
footerLinkLegal = Právní informace
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = O programu Test Pilot

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Dysgu rhagor
uploadPageDropMessage = Gollyngwch eich ffeiliau yma i gychwyn llwytho i fyny
uploadPageSizeMessage = Mae'n well cadw maint y ffeiliau o dan 1GB er mwyn iddo weithio ar ei orau.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Dewiswch ffeil ar eich cyfrifiadur
.title = Dewiswch ffeil ar eich cyfrifiadur
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Dewiswch ffeil i'w llwytho i fyny
.title = Dewiswch ffeil i'w llwytho i fyny
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nid yw llwytho nifer lluosog o ffeilia neu ffolder yn cael ei gynnal ar hyn o bryd.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Llwytho ffeil i fyny
uploadingPageProgress = Llwytho $filename} i fyny ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Wrthi'n dadgryptio…
notifyUploadDone = Mae eich llwytho wedi gorffen.
uploadingPageMessage = Unwaith y bydd eich ffeil wedi llwytho bydd modd gosod manylion dod i ben.
uploadingPageCancel = Diddymu'r llwytho
.title = Diddymu'r llwytho
uploadCancelNotification = Cafodd eich llwytho ei ddiddymu.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Mae'r ffeil yn fawr a gall gymryd peth amser i'w llwytho. Arhoswch!
uploadingFileNotification = Dweud wrtha i pan fydd y llwytho wedi gorffen.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Yn Barod i Anfon
.alt = LLwytho i Fyny
uploadSvgAlt = LLwytho i Fyny
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Bydd y ddolen i'ch ffeil y dod i ben ar ôl 1 llwytho neu o fewn 24 awr.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copïo a rhannu'r ddolen i anfon eich ffeil: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copïo i'r clipfwrdd
.title = Copïo i'r clipfwrdd
copiedUrl = Wedi eu copïo!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Dileu ffeil
.title = Dileu ffeil
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Anfon ffeil arall
.title = Anfon ffeil arall
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Llwytho i lawr
downloadAltText = Llwytho i lawr
downloadFileName = Llwytho i lawr { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Mae ffrind i chi yn anfon ffeil atoch drwy Firefox Send, gwasanaeth sy'n caniatáu i chi rannu ffeiliau drwy ddolen ddiogel, breifat ac wedi ei amgryptio sy'n dod i ben yn awtomatig er mwyn sicrhau nad yw eich deunydd yn aros ar-lein am byth.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Llwytho i Lawr
.title = Llwytho i Lawr
downloadNotification = Mae eich llwytho wedi gorffen
downloadFinish = Llwytho wedi Gorffen
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } o { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Profwch Firefox Send
.title = Profwch Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Llwytho i lawr { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Gadewch y tab yma ar agor tra fyddwn yn estyn eich ffeil a'i dad-amgryptio.
.alt = Gwall llwytho
errorAltText = Gwall llwytho
errorPageHeader = Aeth rhywbeth o'i le!
errorPageMessage = Bu gwall wrth lwytho'r ffeil.
errorPageLink = Anfon ffeil arall
fileTooBig = Mae'r ffeil yn rhy fawr i'w llwytho. Dylai fod yn llai na { $size }.
.alt = Mae'r ddolen wedi dod i ben
linkExpiredAlt = Mae'r ddolen wedi dod i ben
expiredPageHeader = Mae'r ddolen wedi dod i ben neu nad yw wedi bodoli erioed!
notSupportedHeader = Nid yw eich porwr yn cael ei gynnal.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Mae'r defnydd o wefan Firefox Send hefyd yn destun <a>Hysby
deletePopupText = Dileu'r ffeil?
deletePopupYes = Iawn
deletePopupCancel = Diddymu
.title = Dileu
.title = Copïo'r URL
deleteButtonHover = Dileu
copyUrlHover = Copïo'r URL
footerLinkLegal = Cyfreithiol
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Ynghylch Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Mehr erfahren
uploadPageDropMessage = Ziehen Sie eine Datei zum Hochladen hierher
uploadPageSizeMessage = Dateien unter 1 GB sorgen für erhöhte Zuverlässigkeit des Betriebs
uploadPageBrowseButton = Wählen Sie eine Datei auf Ihrem Computer aus
.title = Wählen Sie eine Datei auf Ihrem Computer aus
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Datei zum Hochladen auswählen
.title = Datei zum Hochladen auswählen
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Hochladen mehrerer Dateien oder eines Ordners wird derzeit nicht unterstützt.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Datei hochladen
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wird hochgeladen
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Wird entschlüsselt…
notifyUploadDone = Ihr Upload ist abgeschlossen.
uploadingPageMessage = Sobald Ihre Datei hochgeladen wird, können Sie die Optionen zum Ablaufdatum auswählen.
uploadingPageCancel = Hochladen abbrechen
.title = Hochladen abbrechen
uploadCancelNotification = Ihr Upload wurde abgebrochen.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Diese Datei ist groß, sodass das hochladen einige Zeit dauern könnte. Haben Sie Geduld!
uploadingFileNotification = Mich benachrichtigen, wenn der Upload abgeschlossen ist.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Bereit zum Senden
.alt = Hochladen
uploadSvgAlt = Hochladen
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Der Link zu Ihrer Datei läuft nach einem Download oder in 24 Stunden ab.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopieren und teilen Sie den Link, um Ihre Datei zu senden: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = In Zwischenablage kopieren
.title = In Zwischenablage kopieren
copiedUrl = Kopiert!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Datei löschen
.title = Datei löschen
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Eine weitere Datei senden
.title = Eine weitere Datei senden
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Herunterladen
downloadAltText = Herunterladen
downloadFileName = { $filename } herunterladen
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Ihr Freund schickt Ihnen eine Datei mit Firefox Send, einem Dienst, mit dem Sie Dateien über einen sicheren, privaten und verschlüsselten Link teilen können, der automatisch abläuft, damit Ihre Daten nicht für immer im Internet bleiben.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Herunterladen
.title = Herunterladen
downloadNotification = Der Download wurde abgeschlossen.
downloadFinish = Download abgeschlossen
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } von { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send ausprobieren
.title = Firefox Send ausprobieren
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wird heruntergeladen
downloadingPageMessage = Bitte lassen Sie diesen Tab geöffnet, während Ihre Datei heruntergeladen und entschlüsselt wird.
.alt = Fehler beim Hochladen
errorAltText = Fehler beim Hochladen
errorPageHeader = Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!
errorPageMessage = Beim Hochladen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
errorPageLink = Eine weitere Datei senden
fileTooBig = Die Datei ist zu groß zum Hochladen. Sie sollte maximal { $size } groß sein.
.alt = Link abgelaufen
linkExpiredAlt = Link abgelaufen
expiredPageHeader = Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder hat nie existiert!
notSupportedHeader = Ihr Browser wird nicht unterstützt.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Die Nutzung der Website von Firefox Send unterliegt außerd
deletePopupText = Diese Datei löschen?
deletePopupYes = Ja
deletePopupCancel = Abbrechen
.title = Löschen
.title = Adresse kopieren
deleteButtonHover = Löschen
copyUrlHover = Adresse kopieren
footerLinkLegal = Rechtliches
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Über Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Dalšne informacije
uploadPageDropMessage = Śěgniśo swóju dataju sem, aby ju nagrał
uploadPageSizeMessage = Wužywajśo nejlěpje dataje, kótarež su mjeńše ako 1 GB za lěpšu spušćobnosć.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Wubjeŕśo dataju na swójom licadle
.title = Wubjeŕśo dataju na swójom licadle
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Wubjeŕśo dataju za nagraśe
.title = Wubjeŕśo dataju za nagraśe
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nagrawanje někotarych datajow abo zarědnika se tuchylu njepódpěra.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Dataju nagraś
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) se nagrawa
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dešifrěrujo se...
notifyUploadDone = Wašo nagraśe jo dokóńcone.
uploadingPageMessage = Gaž se waša dataja nagrawa, móžośo nastajenja spadnjenja póstajiś.
uploadingPageCancel = Nagraśe pśetergnus
.title = Nagraśe pśetergnus
uploadCancelNotification = Wašo nagraśe jo se pśetergnuło.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Toś ta dataja jo wjelika a nagrawanje mógło chylku traś. Buźćo sćerpliwy!
uploadingFileNotification = K wěsći daś, gaž nagraśe jo dokóńcone.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Gótowy za słanje
.alt = Nagraś
uploadSvgAlt = Nagraś
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Wótkaz k wašej dataji pó 1 ześěgnjenju abo 24 góźinach spadnjo.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopěrujśo a źělśo wótkaz, aby swóju dataju pósłał: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Do mjazywótkłada kopěrowaś
.title = Do mjazywótkłada kopěrowaś
copiedUrl = Kopěrowany!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Dataju wulašowaś
.title = Dataju wulašowaś
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Drugu dataju pósłaś
.title = Drugu dataju pósłaś
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Ześěgnuś
downloadAltText = Ześěgnuś
downloadFileName = { $filename } ześěgnuś
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Waš pśijaśel wam dataju z Firefox Send sćelo, słužba, kótaraž wam zmóžnja, dataje pśez wěsty, priwatny a skoděrowany wótkaz źěliś, kótaryž awtomatiski spadnjo, až njeby waše daty na pśecej online wóstawali.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Ześěgnuś
.title = Ześěgnuś
downloadNotification = Wašo ześěgnjenje jo dokóńcone.
downloadFinish = Ześěgnjenje dokóńcone
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send wopytaś
.title = Firefox Send wopytaś
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) se ześěgujo
downloadingPageMessage = Pšosym wóstajśo toś ten rejtark wócynjony, mjaztym až wašu dataju ześěgujomy a dešifrěrujomy.
.alt = Nagrawańska zmólka
errorAltText = Nagrawańska zmólka
errorPageHeader = Něco njejo se raźiło!
errorPageMessage = Pśi nagrawanju dataje jo zmólka nastała.
errorPageLink = Drugu dataju pósłaś
fileTooBig = Toś ta dataja jo pśewjelika za nagraśe. Měła mjeńša ako { $size } byś.
.alt = Wótkaz spadnjony
linkExpiredAlt = Wótkaz spadnjony
expiredPageHeader = Toś ten wótkaz jo spadnjony abo njejo nigda eksistěrował!
notSupportedHeader = Waš wobglědowak se njepódpěra.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Teke wužywanje websedła Firefox Send <a>pokazce priwatnos
deletePopupText = Toś tu dataju lašowaś?
deletePopupYes = Jo
deletePopupCancel = Pśetergnuś
.title = Wulašowaś
.title = URL kopěrowaś
deleteButtonHover = Wulašowaś
copyUrlHover = URL kopěrowaś
footerLinkLegal = Pšawniske
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Wó Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Μάθετε περισσότερα
uploadPageDropMessage = Εναποθέστε το αρχείο σας εδώ για έναρξη μεταφόρτωσης
uploadPageSizeMessage = Για περισσότερο αξιόπιστη λειτουργία, προτείνεται να διατηρήσετε το αρχείο κάτω από 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Επιλέξτε αρχείο από τον υπολογιστή σας
.title = Επιλέξτε αρχείο από τον υπολογιστή σας
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο για μεταφόρτωση
.title = Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο για μεταφόρτωση
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Η μεταφόρτωση πολλαπλών αρχείων ή φακέλου δεν υποστηρίζεται αυτή τη στιγμή.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Μεταφόρτωση αρχείου
uploadingPageProgress = Μεταφόρτωση του { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Αποκρυπτογράφηση…
notifyUploadDone = Η μεταφόρτωσή σας ολοκληρώθηκε.
uploadingPageMessage = Αφού μεταφορτωθούν τα αρχεία σας, θα μπορείτε να ορίσετε επιλογές λήξης.
uploadingPageCancel = Ακύρωση μεταφόρτωσης
.title = Ακύρωση μεταφόρτωσης
uploadCancelNotification = Η μεταφόρτωσή σας ακυρώθηκε.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Αυτό το αρχείο είναι μεγάλο και ίσως χρειαστεί λίγος αρκετός χρόνος για μεταφόρτωση. Χαλαρώστε!
uploadingFileNotification = Ειδοποίηση όταν ολοκληρωθεί η μεταφόρτωση.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Έτοιμο για αποστολή
.alt = Μεταφόρτωση
uploadSvgAlt = Μεταφόρτωση
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Ο σύνδεσμος του αρχείου σας θα λήξει έπειτα από 1 λήψη ή 24 ώρες.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Αντιγράψτε και μοιραστείτε τον σύνδεσμο για αποστολή του αρχείου σας : { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο
.title = Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο
copiedUrl = Αντιγράφτηκε!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Διαγραφή αρχείου
.title = Διαγραφή αρχείου
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Αποστολή άλλου αρχείου
.title = Αποστολή άλλου αρχείου
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Λήψη
downloadAltText = Λήψη
downloadFileName = Λήψη του { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Ο/Η φίλος/-η σας, σάς στέλνει ένα αρχείο με τη βοήθεια του Firefox Send, μιας υπηρεσίας που επιτρέπει τον διαμοιρασμό αρχείων μέσω ενός ασφαλούς, ιδιωτικού και κρυπτογραφημένου συνδέσμου που λήγει αυτόματα, ώστε να είστε σίγουροι ότι τα αρχεία σας δεν θα παραμείνουν στο διαδίκτυο για πάντα.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Λήψη
.title = Λήψη
downloadNotification = Η λήψη σας ολοκληρώθηκε.
downloadFinish = Η λήψη ολοκληρώθηκε
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } από { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Δοκιμάστε το Firefox Send
.title = Δοκιμάστε το Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Γίνεται λήψη του { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Παρακαλώ αφήστε ανοικτή αυτή την καρτέλα όσο λαμβάνουμε και αποκρυπτογραφούμε το αρχείο σας.
.alt = Σφάλμα μεταφόρτωσης
errorAltText = Σφάλμα μεταφόρτωσης
errorPageHeader = Κάτι πήγε στραβά!
errorPageMessage = Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου.
errorPageLink = Αποστολή άλλου αρχείου
fileTooBig = Αυτό το αρχείο είναι πολύ μεγάλο για μεταφόρτωση. Πρέπει να είναι μικρότερο από { $size }.
.alt = Ο σύνδεσμος έληξε
linkExpiredAlt = Ο σύνδεσμος έληξε
expiredPageHeader = Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος έχει λήξει ή δεν υπήρξε ποτέ!
notSupportedHeader = Το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας δεν υποστηρίζεται.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Η χρήση της ιστοσελίδας Firefox Send υ
deletePopupText = Διαγραφή αρχείου;
deletePopupYes = Ναι
deletePopupCancel = Ακύρωση
.title = Διαγραφή
.title = Αντιγραφή URL
deleteButtonHover = Διαγραφή
copyUrlHover = Αντιγραφή URL
footerLinkLegal = Νομικά
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Σχετικά με το Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Learn more
uploadPageDropMessage = Drop your file here to start uploading
uploadPageSizeMessage = For the most reliable operation, its best to keep your file under 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Select a file on your computer
.title = Select a file on your computer
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Select a file to upload
.title = Select a file to upload
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Uploading multiple files or a folder is currently not supported.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Upload file
uploadingPageProgress = Uploading { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Decrypting…
notifyUploadDone = Your upload has finished.
uploadingPageMessage = Once your file uploads you will be able to set expiry options.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancel upload
.title = Cancel upload
uploadCancelNotification = Your upload was cancelled.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = This file is large and may take a while to upload. Sit tight!
uploadingFileNotification = Notify me when the upload is complete.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Ready to Send
.alt = Upload
uploadSvgAlt = Upload
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = The link to your file will expire after 1 download or in 24 hours.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copy and share the link to send your file: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copy to clipboard
.title = Copy to clipboard
copiedUrl = Copied!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Delete file
.title = Delete file
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Send another file
.title = Send another file
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Download
downloadAltText = Download
downloadFileName = Download { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Your friend is sending you a file with Firefox Send, a service that allows you to share files with a safe, private, and encrypted link that automatically expires to ensure your stuff does not remain online forever.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Download
.title = Download
downloadNotification = Your download has completed.
downloadFinish = Download Complete
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } of { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Try Firefox Send
.title = Try Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Downloading { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Please leave this tab open while we fetch your file and decrypt it.
.alt = Upload error
errorAltText = Upload error
errorPageHeader = Something went wrong!
errorPageMessage = There has been an error uploading the file.
errorPageLink = Send another file
fileTooBig = That file is too big to upload. It should be less than { $size }.
.alt = Link expired
linkExpiredAlt = Link expired
expiredPageHeader = This link has expired or never existed in the first place!
notSupportedHeader = Your browser is not supported.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Use of the Firefox Send website is also subject to Mozilla
deletePopupText = Delete this file?
deletePopupYes = Yes
deletePopupCancel = Cancel
.title = Delete
.title = Copy URL
deleteButtonHover = Delete
copyUrlHover = Copy URL
footerLinkLegal = Legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = About Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Conocer más
uploadPageDropMessage = Arrastrá el archivo hasta acá para empezar a subir
uploadPageSizeMessage = Para una operación más confiable, es mejor que el archivo tenga menos de 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Seleccioná un archivo en tu computadora
.title = Seleccioná un archivo en tu computadora
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Seleccioná un archivo para subir
.title = Seleccioná un archivo para subir
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Cargar múltiples archivos o una carpeta todavía no está soportado.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Subir archivo
uploadingPageProgress = Subiendo { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Descifrando…
notifyUploadDone = La carga ha terminado.
uploadingPageMessage = Una vez que se cargue el archivo podrás modificar las opciones de expiración.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancelar subida
.title = Cancelar subida
uploadCancelNotification = La subida fue cancelada.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = El archivo es grande y puede tardar un rato en subir. ¡Quedate quieto!
uploadingFileNotification = Notificarme cuando la subida se complete.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Listo para enviar
.alt = Subir
uploadSvgAlt = Subir
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = El enlace al archivo expirará después de 1 descarga o en 24 horas.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copiá y compartí el enlace para enviar tu archivo: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar al portapapeles
.title = Copiar al portapapeles
copiedUrl = ¡Copiado!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Borrar archivo
.title = Borrar archivo
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Enviar otro archivo
.title = Enviar otro archivo
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Descargar
downloadAltText = Descargar
downloadFileName = Descargar { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Tu amigo te está enviando un archivo con Firefox Send, un servicio que permite compartir archivos con un enlace cifrado, seguro y privado que expira automáticamente para asegurar que tus datos no quedan en línea para siempre.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Descargar
.title = Descargar
downloadNotification = La descarga se completó.
downloadFinish = Descarga completa
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Probá Firefox Send
.title = Probá Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Descargando { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Dejá esta pestaña abierta mientras descargamos el archivo y lo desciframos.
.alt = Error de subida
errorAltText = Error de subida
errorPageHeader = ¡Algo falló!
errorPageMessage = Hubo un error al subir el archivo.
errorPageLink = Enviar otro archivo
fileTooBig = El archivo es demasiado grande para subir. Debería tener menos de { $size }.
.alt = Enlace explirado
linkExpiredAlt = Enlace explirado
expiredPageHeader = ¡Este enlace ha expirado o nunca existió en primer lugar!
notSupportedHeader = El navegador no está soportado.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = El uso del sitio web de Firefox Send también está sujeto
deletePopupText = ¿Borrar este archivo?
deletePopupYes = Si
deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
.title = Borrar
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Borrar
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Legales
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Acerca de Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Aprender más
uploadPageDropMessage = Suelta tu archivo aquí para empezar a subirlo
uploadPageSizeMessage = Para una operación más confiable, es mejor mantener el tamaño del archivo bajo 1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Selecciona un archivo en tu computador
.title = Selecciona un archivo en tu computador
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Selecciona un archivo a subir
.title = Selecciona un archivo a subir
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Subir múltiples archivos o una carpeta actualmente no es posible.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Subir archivo
uploadingPageProgress = Subiendo { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Descifrando…
notifyUploadDone = Tu subida ha terminado.
uploadingPageMessage = Una vez que tu archivo sea subido podrás ajustar las opciones de expiración.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancelar subida
.title = Cancelar subida
uploadCancelNotification = Tu subida fue cancelada.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Este archivo es grande y puede tardar un rato en subir. ¡Aprovecha de hacer algo mientras!
uploadingFileNotification = Notificarme cuando la subida sea completada.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Listo para enviar
.alt = Subir
uploadSvgAlt = Subir
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = El enlace a tu archivo expirará tras 1 descarga o en 24 horas.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copia y comparte el enlace para enviar tu archivo: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar al portapapeles
.title = Copiar al portapapeles
copiedUrl = ¡Copiado!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Eliminar archivo
.title = Eliminar archivo
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Enviar otro archivo
.title = Enviar otro archivo
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Descargar
downloadAltText = Descargar
downloadFileName = Descargar { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Tu amigo te está enviando un archivo con Firefox Send, un servicio que te permite compartir archivos con un enlace seguro, privado y cifrado que expira automáticamente para asegurar que tus cosas no queden en línea de por vida.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Descargar
.title = Descargar
downloadNotification = Tu descarga se completó.
downloadFinish = Descarga completa
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Probar Firefox Send
.title = Probar Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Descargando { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Por favor, deja esta pestaña abierta mientras recibimos tu archivo y lo desciframos.
.alt = Error de subida
errorAltText = Error de subida
errorPageHeader = ¡Algo se fue a las pailas!
errorPageMessage = Hubo un error al subir el archivo.
errorPageLink = Enviar otro archivo
fileTooBig = Ese archivo es muy grande para ser subido. Debiera tener un tamaño menor a { $size }.
.alt = Enlace expirado
linkExpiredAlt = Enlace expirado
expiredPageHeader = ¡Este enlace ha expirado o quizá jamás existió!
notSupportedHeader = Tu navegador no está soportado.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = El uso del sitio web de Firefox Send también está sujeto
deletePopupText = ¿Eliminar este archivo?
deletePopupYes = Sí
deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
.title = Eliminar
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Eliminar
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Acerca de Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Descubre más
uploadPageDropMessage = Suelta aquí tu archivo para empezar a subirlo
uploadPageSizeMessage = Para que la operación sea más segura, el archivo debería ocupar menos de 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Seleccionar un archivo en el equipo
.title = Seleccionar un archivo en el equipo
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Seleccionar un archivo para subir
.title = Seleccionar un archivo para subir
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Aún no se pueden subir varios archivos o una carpeta.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Subir archivo
uploadingPageProgress = Subiendo { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Desencriptando...
notifyUploadDone = La subida ha finalizado.
uploadingPageMessage = Cuando se suba tu archivo podrás condigurar las opciones de caducidad.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancelar subida
.title = Cancelar subida
uploadCancelNotification = Se canceló la subida.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = El archivo es grande y puede tardar unos minutos en subirse. ¡Tómatelo con calma!
uploadingFileNotification = Notificarme cuando se complete la subida.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Listo para enviar
.alt = Subir
uploadSvgAlt = Subir
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = El enlace al archivo caducará tras descargarlo una vez o en 24 horas.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copiar y compartir el enlace para enviar tu archivo: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar en el portapapeles
.title = Copiar en el portapapeles
copiedUrl = ¡Copiado!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Eliminar archivo
.title = Eliminar archivo
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Enviar otro archivo
.title = Enviar otro archivo
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Descargar
downloadAltText = Descargar
downloadFileName = Descargar { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Tu amigo te está enviando un archivo a través de Firefox Send, un servicio que te permite compartir archivos con un enlace seguro, privado y encriptado que caduca automáticamente para que tus cosas no sean accesibles en línea de por vida.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Descargar
.title = Descargar
downloadNotification = Se completó la descarga.
downloadFinish = Descarga completa
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Prueba Firefox Send
.title = Prueba Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Descargando { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Deja esta pestaña abierta mientras buscamos tu archivo y lo desencriptamos.
.alt = Error en la subida
errorAltText = Error en la subida
errorPageHeader = ¡Se produjo un error!
errorPageMessage = Se produjo un error al subir el archivo.
errorPageLink = Enviar otro archivo
fileTooBig = Ese archivo es muy grande. Debería ocupar menos de { $size }.
.alt = Enlace caducado
linkExpiredAlt = Enlace caducado
expiredPageHeader = ¡El enlace ha caducado o nunca existió!
notSupportedHeader = Tu navegador no está admitido.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = El uso de la página de Firefox Send también está sujeto
deletePopupText = ¿Eliminar el archivo?
deletePopupYes = Sí
deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
.title = Eliminar
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Eliminar
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Sobre Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Saber más
uploadPageDropMessage = Suelta aquí tu archivo para empezar a subirlo
uploadPageSizeMessage = Para que la operación sea más segura, el archivo debería ocupar menos de 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Selecciona un archivo de tu computadora
.title = Selecciona un archivo de tu computadora
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Seleccionar un archivo para subir
.title = Seleccionar un archivo para subir
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Aún no se pueden subir varios archivos o una carpeta.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Subir archivo
uploadingPageProgress = Subiendo { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Desencriptando...
notifyUploadDone = La subida ha terminado.
uploadingPageMessage = Una vez que tu archivo haya subido podrás configurar las opciones de caducidad.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancelar subida
.title = Cancelar subida
uploadCancelNotification = Se canceló la subida.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Este archivo es grande y puede tomar un rato para que suba. ¡Mantente tranquilo!
uploadingFileNotification = Avísame cuando la subida del archivo esté completa.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Listo para enviar
.alt = Subir
uploadSvgAlt = Subir
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = El enlace a tu archivo expirará después de una descarga o en 24 horas.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copiar y compartir el enlace para enviar tu archivo: ($filename)
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar a portapapeles
.title = Copiar a portapapeles
copiedUrl = ¡Copiado!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Eliminar archivo
.title = Eliminar archivo
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Enviar otro archivo
.title = Enviar otro archivo
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Descargar
downloadAltText = Descargar
downloadFileName = Descargar ($filename)
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Tu amigo te está enviando un archivo a través de Firefox Send, un servicio que te permite compartir archivos con un enlace seguro, privado y encriptado que caduca automáticamente para que tus cosas no sean accesibles en línea de por vida.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Descargar
.title = Descargar
downloadNotification = Tu descarga se ha completado
downloadFinish = Descarga completa
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Prueba Firefox Send
.title = Prueba Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Descargando { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Deja esta pestaña abierta mientras buscamos tu archivo y lo desencriptamos.
.alt = Error en la subida
errorAltText = Error en la subida
errorPageHeader = ¡Algo salió mal!
errorPageMessage = Ha ocurrido un error mientras subiamos tu archivo.
errorPageLink = Enviar otro archivo
fileTooBig = Ese archivo es muy grande. Debería ocupar menos de { $size }.
.alt = Enlace caducado
linkExpiredAlt = Enlace caducado
expiredPageHeader = ¡Este enlace ha caducado o nunca existió en primer lugar!
notSupportedHeader = Tu navegador no está soportado.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = El uso de la página de Firefox Send también está sujeto
deletePopupText = ¿Eliminar este archivo?
deletePopupYes = Sí
deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
.title = Eliminar
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Eliminar
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Acerca de Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = بیشتر بدانید
uploadPageDropMessage = برای شروع بارگذاری پرونده‌های خود را اینجا بیاندازید
uploadPageSizeMessage = برای بیشترین قابلیت اطمینان، بهتر است که پرونده‌تان کمتر از ۱ گیگابایت باشد
uploadPageBrowseButton = یک پرونده را از روی کامپیوتر خود انتخاب کنید
.title = یک پرونده را از روی کامپیوتر خود انتخاب کنید
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = یک پرونده را برای بارگذاری انتخاب کنید
.title = یک پرونده را برای بارگذاری انتخاب کنید
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = بارگذاری چندین پرونده یا یک پوشه در حال حاضر پشتیبانی نمی‌شود.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = بارگذاری پرونده
uploadingPageProgress = در حال بارگذاری پرونده { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = در حال رمزگشایی…
notifyUploadDone = بارگذاری شما پایان یافت.
uploadingPageMessage = به محض بارگذاری پرونده شما قادر خواهید بود برای آن گزینه انقضا تعیین کنید.
uploadingPageCancel = لغو بارگذاری
.title = لغو بارگذاری
uploadCancelNotification = بارگذاری شما لغو شد
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = پرونده بزرگ است و ممکن است بارگذاری آن مدتی طول بکشد. محکم بشینید!
uploadingFileNotification = هر وقت بارگذاری تمام شد به من اطلاع بده.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = آماده برای ارسال
uploadSvgAlt = بارگذاری
.alt = بارگذاری
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = پیوند به پرونده شما بعد از ۱ بار دانلود یا ۲۴ ساعت حذف خواهد شد.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = برای ارسال پرونده پیوند آن را رونوشت و به اشتراک بگذارید: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = رونوشت به کلیپ‌بورد
.title = رونوشت به کلیپ‌بورد
copiedUrl = رونوشت شد!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = حذف پرونده
.title = حذف پرونده
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = ارسال پرونده دیگر
.title = ارسال پرونده دیگر
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadAltText = دریافت
.alt = دریافت
downloadFileName = بارگیری { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = دوست شما درحال ارسال پرونده ای به وسیله Firefox Send است،‌ این سرویس این امکان را به شما می‌دهد تا پرونده‌های خود را به صورت ایمن،‌خصوصی و رمزنگاری شده به همراه پیوند انقضا خودکار همرسانی کنید تا اطمینان حاصل کنید چیزهای شما برای همیشه آنلاین باقی نخواهد ماند.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = بارگیری
.title = بارگیری
downloadNotification = بارگیری شما کامل شد.
downloadFinish = بارگیری کامل شد
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } از { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send را امتحان کنید
.title = Firefox Send را امتحان کنید
downloadingPageProgress = دریافت { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = لطفا این زبانه را باز بگذارید در حالی که ما فایل شما را دریافت می‌کنیم و کدگذاری می‌کنیم.
.alt = خطا در بارگذاری
errorAltText = خطا در بارگذاری
errorPageHeader = چیزی دچار اشکال شده است!
errorPageMessage = خطایی در هنگام بارگذاری پرونده شما رخ داده است.
errorPageLink = پرونده دیگری ارسال کنید.
fileTooBig = این پرونده بسیار حجیم است. حجم آن می‌بایستی کم تر { $size } باشد.
.alt = پیوند منقضی شده است
linkExpiredAlt = پیوند منقضی شده است
expiredPageHeader = پیوند منقضی شده است یا در از همان ابتدا وجود نداشته است!
notSupportedHeader = مرورگر شما پشتیبانی نمی‌کند.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = استفاده از Firefox Send همچنین منصوب ب
deletePopupText = حذف این پرونده؟
deletePopupYes = بله
deletePopupCancel = انصراف
.title = حذف
.title = رونوشت از نشانی
deleteButtonHover = حذف
copyUrlHover = رونوشت از نشانی
footerLinkLegal = ملاحظات حقوقی
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = درباره Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = En savoir plus
uploadPageDropMessage = Déposez votre fichier ici pour lenvoyer
uploadPageSizeMessage = Pour un résultat fiable, il est conseillé dutiliser des fichiers de taille inférieure à 1 Go
uploadPageBrowseButton = Sélectionner un fichier sur lordinateur
.title = Sélectionner un fichier sur lordinateur
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Choisir un fichier à envoyer
.title = Choisir un fichier à envoyer
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Lenvoi de plusieurs fichiers ou de dossiers nest pas pris en charge pour le moment.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Envoyer le fichier
uploadingPageProgress = Envoi en cours de { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Déchiffrement…
notifyUploadDone = Lenvoi est terminé.
uploadingPageMessage = Une fois lenvoi terminé, vous serez en mesure de régler les options dexpiration.
uploadingPageCancel = Annuler lenvoi
.title = Annuler lenvoi
uploadCancelNotification = Lenvoi a été annulé.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Ce fichier est volumineux et son envoi peut prendre un peu de temps.
uploadingFileNotification = Menvoyer une notification lorsque lenvoi est terminé.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Paré à lenvoi
.alt = Envoyer
uploadSvgAlt = Envoyer
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Le lien vers votre fichier expirera après le premier téléchargement ou au bout de 24 heures.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copiez et partagez le lien pour envoyer votre fichier : { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copier dans le presse-papiers
.title = Copier dans le presse-papiers
copiedUrl = Lien copié !
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Supprimer le fichier
.title = Supprimer le fichier
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Envoyer un autre fichier
.title = Envoyer un autre fichier
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Télécharger
downloadAltText = Télécharger
downloadFileName = Télécharger { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Votre ami⋅e vous a envoyé un fichier avec Firefox Send, un service qui permet denvoyer des fichiers de façon sécurisée, confidentielle et chiffrée via un lien qui expire automatiquement pour que vos informations ne restent pas en ligne indéfiniment.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Télécharger
.title = Télécharger
downloadNotification = Le téléchargement est terminé.
downloadFinish = Téléchargement terminé
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } sur { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Essayer Firefox Send
.title = Essayer Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Téléchargement en cours de { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Merci de laisser cet onglet ouvert pendant que nous récupérons le fichier et que nous le déchiffrons.
.alt = Erreur lors de lenvoi
errorAltText = Erreur lors de lenvoi
errorPageHeader = Une erreur sest produite.
errorPageMessage = Une erreur sest produite lors de lenvoi du fichier.
errorPageLink = Envoyer un autre fichier
fileTooBig = Ce fichier est trop volumineux pour être envoyé. Sa taille doit être inférieure à { $size }.
.alt = Le lien a expiré
linkExpiredAlt = Le lien a expiré
expiredPageHeader = Ce lien a expiré ou na jamais existé.
notSupportedHeader = Votre navigateur nest pas pris en charge.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Lutilisation du site web Firefox Send est aussi soumise
deletePopupText = Supprimer ce fichier ?
deletePopupYes = Oui
deletePopupCancel = Annuler
.title = Supprimer
.title = Copier le lien
deleteButtonHover = Supprimer
copyUrlHover = Copier le lien
footerLinkLegal = Mentions légales
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = À propos de Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Mear ynfo
uploadPageDropMessage = Sleep jo bestân hjir hinne om opladen te starten
uploadPageSizeMessage = Foar de meast betroubere wurking, is it it bêste om jo bestân lytser as 1 GB te hâlden
uploadPageBrowseButton = Selektearje in bestân op jo kompjûter
.title = Selektearje in bestân op jo kompjûter
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Opladen fan mear bestannen tagelyk of in map wurdt op dit stuit net stipe.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Bestân oplade
uploadingPageHeader = Jo bestân wurdt opladen
@ -19,50 +18,37 @@ decryptingFile = Untsiferje…
notifyUploadDone = Jo oplaad is foltôge.
uploadingPageMessage = Sa gau as jo bestân opladen wurdt, kinne jo de opsjes foar de ferrindatum ynstelle.
uploadingPageCancel = Opladen annulearje
.title = Opladen annulearje
uploadCancelNotification = Jo oplaad is annulearre.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Dit is in grut bestân en it opladen kin efkes duorje. In amerijke!
uploadingFileNotification = Jou in melding as de oplaad foltôge is.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Ree om te ferstjoeren
.alt = Oplaad
uploadSvgAlt = Oplaad
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = De keppeling nei jo bestân sil nei 1 download ferrinne of nei 24 oeren.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopiearje en diel de keppeling om jo bestân te ferstjoeren: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Nei klamboerd kopiearje
.title = Nei klamboerd kopiearje
copiedUrl = Kopiearre!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Bestân fuortsmite
.title = Bestân fuortsmite
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Noch in bestân ferstjoere
.title = Noch in bestân ferstjoere
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Downloade
downloadAltText = Downloade
downloadFileName = { $filename } downloade
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Jo freon stjoert jo in best^n mei Firefox Send, in tsjinst dy't jo yn steat stelt bestannen te dielen mei in feilige, privee en fersifere keppeling dy't automatysk ferrint om wis te wêzen dat jo guod net foar altyd online bliuwt.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Downloade
.title = Downloade
downloadNotification = Jo download is foltôge.
downloadFinish = Download foltôge
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send probearje
.title = Firefox Send probearje
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wurdt download
downloadingPageMessage = Lit dit ljepblêd iepen wylst wy jo bestân krije en ûntsiferje.
.alt = Oplaadflater
errorAltText = Oplaadflater
errorPageHeader = Der is wat misgien!
errorPageMessage = Der is in flater bard wylst it opladen fan jo bestân.
errorPageLink = Noch in bestân ferstjoere
fileTooBig = It bestân is te grut om op te laden. It moat lytser wêze as { $size }.
.alt = Keppeling ferrûn
linkExpiredAlt = Keppeling ferrûn
expiredPageHeader = Dizze keppeling is ferrûn of hat nea bestien!
notSupportedHeader = Jo browser wurdt net stipe.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -83,10 +69,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Gebrûk fan de Firefox Send-website falt ek ûnder it <a>We
deletePopupText = Dit bestân fuortsmite
deletePopupYes = Ja
deletePopupCancel = Annulearje
.title = Fuortsmite
.title = URL kopiearje
deleteButtonHover = Fuortsmite
copyUrlHover = URL kopiearje
footerLinkLegal = Juridysk
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Oer Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Dalše informacije
uploadPageDropMessage = Ćehńće swoju dataju sem, zo byšće ju nahrał
uploadPageSizeMessage = Wužiwajće najlěpje dataje, kotrež su mjeńše hač 1 GB za lěpšu spušćomnosć.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Wubjerće dataju na swojim ličaku
.title = Wubjerće dataju na swojim ličaku
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Wubjerće dataju za nahraće
.title = Wubjerće dataju za nahraće
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nahrawanje wjacorych datajow abo rjadowaka so tuchwilu njepodpěruje.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Dataju nahrać
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) so nahrawa
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dešifruje so...
notifyUploadDone = Waše nahraće je dokónčene.
uploadingPageMessage = Hdyž so waša dataja nahrawa, móžeće nastajenja spadnjenja postajić.
uploadingPageCancel = Nahraće přetorhnyć
.title = Nahraće přetorhnyć
uploadCancelNotification = Waše nahraće je so přetorhnyło.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Tuta dataja je wulka a nahrawanje móhło chwilku trać. Budźće sćerpliwy!
uploadingFileNotification = Zdźělić, hdyž nahraće je dokónčene.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Hotowy za słanje
.alt = Nahrać
uploadSvgAlt = Nahrać
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Wotkaz k wašej dataji po 1 sćehnjenju abo 24 hodźinach spadnje.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopěrujće a dźělće wotkaz, zo byšće swoju dataju pósłał: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Do mjezyskłada kopěrować
.title = Do mjezyskłada kopěrować
copiedUrl = Kopěrowany!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Dataju zhašeć
.title = Dataju zhašeć
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Druhu dataju pósłać
.title = Druhu dataju pósłać
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Sćahnyć
downloadAltText = Sćahnyć
downloadFileName = { $filename } sćahnyć
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Waš přećel wam dataju z Firefox Send sćele, słužba, kotraž wam zmóžnja, dataje přez wěsty, priwatny a zaklučowany wotkaz dźělić, kotryž awtomatisce spadnje, zo njebychu waše daty na přeco online wostawali.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Sćahnyć
.title = Sćahnyć
downloadNotification = Waše sćehnjenje je dokónčene.
downloadFinish = Sćehnjenje dokónčene
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send wupruwować
.title = Firefox Send wupruwować
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) so sćahuje
downloadingPageMessage = Prošu wostajće tutón rajtark wočinjeny, mjeztym zo wašu dataju sćahujemy a dešifrujemy.
.alt = Nahrawanski zmylk
errorAltText = Nahrawanski zmylk
errorPageHeader = Něšto je so nimokuliło!
errorPageMessage = Při nahrawanju dataje je zmylk wustupił.
errorPageLink = Druhu dataju pósłać
fileTooBig = Tuta dataja je přewulka za nahraće. Měła mjeńša hač { $size } być.
.alt = Wotkaz je spadnjeny
linkExpiredAlt = Wotkaz je spadnjeny
expiredPageHeader = Tutón wotkaz je spadnjeny abo njeje ženje eksistował!
notSupportedHeader = Waš wobhladowak so njepodpěruje.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Tež wužiwanje websydła Firefox Send <a>pokazce priwatnos
deletePopupText = Tutu dataju zhašeć?
deletePopupYes = Haj
deletePopupCancel = Přetorhnyć
.title = Zhašeć
.title = URL kopěrować
deleteButtonHover = Zhašeć
copyUrlHover = URL kopěrować
footerLinkLegal = Prawniske
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Wo Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Tudjon meg többet
uploadPageDropMessage = Dobja ide a fájljait, és kezdjen feltölteni
uploadPageSizeMessage = A megbízható működés érdekében a legjobb, ha a fájlok 1 GB-nál kisebbek maradnak
uploadPageBrowseButton = Válasszon egy fájlt a számítógépén
.title = Válasszon egy fájlt a számítógépén
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Válassza ki a feltöltendő fájlt
.title = Válassza ki a feltöltendő fájlt
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Több fájl vagy mappa feltöltése pillanatnyilag nem támogatott.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Fájl feltöltése
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) feltöltése
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Visszafejtés…
notifyUploadDone = A feltöltése befejeződött.
uploadingPageMessage = Ha a fájl feltöltésre került, akkor megadhatja a lejárati beállításokat.
uploadingPageCancel = Feltöltés megszakítása
.title = Feltöltés megszakítása
uploadCancelNotification = A feltöltés megszakításra került.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Ez a fájl nagy, és a feltöltése eltarthat egy ideig. Türelmét kérjük!
uploadingFileNotification = Értesítsen, ha a feltöltés elkészült.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Küldésre kész
.alt = Feltöltés
uploadSvgAlt = Feltöltés
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = A fájl hivatkozása lejár 1 letöltés vagy 24 óra múlva.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Másolja és ossza meg a hivatkozást a fájl küldéséhez: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Vágólapra másolás
.title = Vágólapra másolás
copiedUrl = Másolva!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Fájl törlése
.title = Fájl törlése
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Még egy fájl küldése
.title = Még egy fájl küldése
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Letöltés
downloadAltText = Letöltés
downloadFileName = { $filename } letöltése
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Az ismerőse egy fájlt küld a Firefox Senddel, egy olyan fájlmegosztó szolgáltatással, amely biztonságos, privát és titkosított hivatkozáson keresztül működik, amely automatikusan elévül, így biztosítva hogy a dolga ne maradjon örökre online.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Letöltés
.title = Letöltés
downloadNotification = A letöltés befejeződött.
downloadFinish = A letöltés befejeződött
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Próbálja ki a Firefox Sendet
.title = Próbálja ki a Firefox Sendet
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } letöltése ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Hagyja nyitva ezt a lapot, amíg lekérésre és visszafejtésre kerül a fájlja.
.alt = Feltöltési hiba
errorAltText = Feltöltési hiba
errorPageHeader = Hiba történt!
errorPageMessage = Hiba történt a fájl feltöltésekor.
errorPageLink = Még egy fájl küldése
fileTooBig = Ez a fájl túl nagy a feltöltéshez. Kevesebb mint { $size } kell legyen.
.alt = A hivatkozás lejárt
linkExpiredAlt = A hivatkozás lejárt
expiredPageHeader = Ez a hivatkozás lejárt, vagy sosem létezett!
notSupportedHeader = A böngésző nem támogatott.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = A Firefox Send weboldal használatakor a Mozilla <a>Webhely
deletePopupText = Törli ezt a fájlt?
deletePopupYes = Igen
deletePopupCancel = Mégse
.title = Törlés
.title = URL másolása
deleteButtonHover = Törlés
copyUrlHover = URL másolása
footerLinkLegal = Jogi információk
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = A Tesztpilóta névjegye

View file

@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
title = Firefox Send
siteSubtitle = eksperimen web
siteFeedback = Saran
uploadPageHeader = Pribadi, Berbagi Berkas Terenskripsi
uploadPageHeader = Pribadi, Berbagi Berkas Terenskripsi
uploadPageExplainer = Kirim berkas melalui tautan yang aman, pribadi, dan terenkripsi yang secara otomatis kedaluwarsa untuk memastikan berkas Anda tidak daring selamanya.
uploadPageLearnMore = Pelajari lebih lanjut
uploadPageDropMessage = Lepas berkas Anda di sini untuk mulai mengunggah
uploadPageSizeMessage = Untuk pengoperasian yang paling andal, sebaiknya jaga berkas Anda di bawah 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Pilih berkas pada komputer Anda
.title = Pilih berkas pada komputer Anda
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Saat ini belum mendukung pengunggahan beberapa berkas atau folder.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Unggah berkas
uploadingPageHeader = Mengunggah Berkas Anda
@ -19,50 +18,37 @@ decryptingFile = Mendekripsi...
notifyUploadDone = Unggahan Anda telah selesai.
uploadingPageMessage = Setelah berkas diunggah, Anda dapat mengatur pilihan kedaluwarsa.
uploadingPageCancel = Batal unggah
.title = Batal unggah
uploadCancelNotification = Unggahan Anda dibatalkan.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Berkas ini berukuran besar dan mungkin perlu beberapa saat untuk mengunggahnya. Silakan tunggu!
uploadingFileNotification = Beri tahu saya ketika unggahan telah selesai.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Siap untuk Dikirim
.alt = Unggah
uploadSvgAlt = Unggah
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Tautan ke berkas Anda akan berakhir setelah 1 unduhan atau dalam 24 jam.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Salin dan bagikan tautan untuk mengirim berkas Anda: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Salin ke papan klip
.title = Salin ke papan klip
copiedUrl = Tersalin!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Hapus berkas
.title = Hapus berkas
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Kirim berkas lain
.title = Kirim berkas lain
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Unduh
downloadAltText = Unduh
downloadFileName = Unduh { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Teman Anda mengirimkan berkas dengan Firefox Send, layanan yang memungkinkan Anda berbagi berkas dengan tautan yang aman, pribadi, dan terenkripsi yang secara otomatis berakhir untuk memastikan berkas Anda tidak daring selamanya.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Unduh
.title = Unduh
downloadNotification = Unduhan Anda telah selesai.
downloadFinish = Unduhan Selesai
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Coba Firefox Send
.title = Coba Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Mengunduh { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Sila biarkan tab ini terbuka sementara kami memproses berkas Anda dan mendekripsinya.
.alt = Unggahan bermasalah
errorAltText = Unggahan bermasalah
errorPageHeader = Terjadi kesalahan!
errorPageMessage = Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunggah berkas.
errorPageLink = Kirim berkas lain
fileTooBig = Berkas terlalu besar untuk diunggah. Harus kurang dari { $size }.
.alt = Tautan kedaluwarsa
linkExpiredAlt = Tautan kedaluwarsa
expiredPageHeader = Tautan ini telah kedaluwarsa atau tidak pernah ada!
notSupportedHeader = Peramban Anda tidak mendukung.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -83,10 +69,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Penggunaan situs Firefox Send juga merupakan subyek dari <a
deletePopupText = Hapus berkas ini?
deletePopupYes = Ya
deletePopupCancel = Batal
.title = Hapus
.title = Salin URL
deleteButtonHover = Hapus
copyUrlHover = Salin URL
footerLinkLegal = Legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Tentang Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Ulteriori informazioni
uploadPageDropMessage = Trascina qui un file per caricarlo
uploadPageSizeMessage = Per evitare problemi è consigliabile caricare file di dimensione inferiore a 1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Seleziona un file sul computer
.title = Seleziona un file sul computer
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Seleziona un file da caricare
.title = Seleziona un file da caricare
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Il caricamento di più file o cartelle non è attualmente supportato.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Carica file
uploadingPageProgress = Caricamento { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Decrittazione in corso…
notifyUploadDone = Caricamento completato.
uploadingPageMessage = È possibile impostare le opzioni di scadenza del file al termine del caricamento.
uploadingPageCancel = Annulla caricamento
.title = Annulla caricamento
uploadCancelNotification = Caricamento annullato.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Si tratta di un file di grandi dimensioni e potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo.
uploadingFileNotification = Invia una notifica quando il caricamento è completato.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Pronto per linvio
.alt = Carica
uploadSvgAlt = Carica
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Il link al file scadrà dopo 1 download o in 24 ore.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copia e condividi il link per inviare il tuo file: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copia negli appunti
.title = Copia negli appunti
copiedUrl = Copiato
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Elimina file
.title = Elimina file
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Invia un altro file
.title = Invia un altro file
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Scarica
downloadAltText = Scarica
downloadFileName = Scarica { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Qualcuno ha utilizzato Firefox Send per inviarti un file. Si tratta di un servizio che permette di condividere file in modo sicuro, riservato e crittato, utilizzando un link che smette di funzionare automaticamente dopo un certo periodo di tempo, garantendo così che i tuoi dati non rimangano online per sempre.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Scarica
.title = Scarica
downloadNotification = Download completato.
downloadFinish = Download completato
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } di { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Prova Firefox Send
.title = Prova Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Download in corso di { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Mantieni aperta questa scheda mentre il file viene scaricato e decrittato.
.alt = Errore durante il caricamento
errorAltText = Errore durante il caricamento
errorPageHeader = Si è verificato un errore.
errorPageMessage = Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento del file.
errorPageLink = Invia un altro file
fileTooBig = Le dimensioni di questo file sono eccessive. Dovrebbe essere inferiore a { $size }.
.alt = Link scaduto
linkExpiredAlt = Link scaduto
expiredPageHeader = Questo link è scaduto oppure non è mai esistito.
notSupportedHeader = Il browser in uso non è supportato.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Lutilizzo del sito di Firefox Send è soggetto all<a>
deletePopupText = Eliminare questo file?
deletePopupYes = Sì
deletePopupCancel = Annulla
.title = Elimina
.title = Copia indirizzo
deleteButtonHover = Elimina
copyUrlHover = Copia indirizzo
footerLinkLegal = Note legali
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Informazioni su Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = 詳しくはこちら
uploadPageDropMessage = ここにファイルをドロップしてアップロードを開始
uploadPageSizeMessage = 確実に処理できるよう、ファイルサイズは 1 GB 以下にすることを推奨します。
uploadPageBrowseButton = コンピューター上のファイルを選択
.title = コンピューター上のファイルを選択
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = アップロードするファイルを選択
.title = アップロードするファイルを選択
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = 今のところ複数ファイルやフォルダーのアップロードには対応していません。
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = ファイルをアップロード
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) をアップロード中
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = 復号化中...
notifyUploadDone = アップロードが完了しました。
uploadingPageMessage = ファイルのアップロード完了後に期限を設定できます。
uploadingPageCancel = アップロードを中止
.title = アップロードを中止
uploadCancelNotification = アップロードは中止されました。
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = このファイルは大きいのでアップロードに多少時間が掛かるかもしれません。しばらくお待ちください。
uploadingFileNotification = アップロード完了時に通知を受け取る
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = 送信準備完了
.alt = アップロード
uploadSvgAlt = アップロード
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = ファイルへのリンクは、1 回ダウンロードされた後、もしくは 24 時間以内に期限切れとなります。
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = ファイルを送信するにはこのリンクをコピー、共有してください: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = クリップボードへコピー
.title = クリップボードへコピー
copiedUrl = コピー完了!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = ファイルを削除
.title = ファイルを削除
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = 他のファイルを送信
.title = 他のファイルを送信
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = ダウンロード
downloadAltText = ダウンロード
downloadFileName = { $filename } をダウンロード
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = あなたの友人が Firefox Send を通じてファイルを送ってきています。これは、安全で、プライベートで、暗号化されたリンクを通じてファイルを共有できるサービスです。あなたのものがずっとオンラインに残らないよう、リンクは自動的に期限切れとなります。
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = ダウンロード
.title = ダウンロード
downloadNotification = ダウンロードが完了しました。
downloadFinish = ダウンロード完了
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send を試す
.title = Firefox Send を試す
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) をダウンロードしています
downloadingPageMessage = ファイルの取得と復号化が完了するまでこのタブを開いたままにしておいてください。
.alt = アップロードエラー
errorAltText = アップロードエラー
errorPageHeader = 何か問題が発生しました。
errorPageMessage = ファイルのアップロード中に問題が発生しました。
errorPageLink = 他のファイルを送信
fileTooBig = このファイルは大きすぎるためアップロードできません。上限は { $size } です。
.alt = リンク期限切れ
linkExpiredAlt = リンク期限切れ
expiredPageHeader = このリンクは期限切れとなったか元々存在していません。
notSupportedHeader = お使いのブラウザーには対応していません。
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Firefox Send のサイトの利用には、Mozilla の <a>
deletePopupText = このファイルを削除しますか?
deletePopupYes = はい
deletePopupCancel = キャンセル
.title = 削除
.title = URL をコピー
deleteButtonHover = 削除
copyUrlHover = URL をコピー
footerLinkLegal = 法的情報
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Test Pilot について

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Issin ugar
uploadPageDropMessage = Zuɣeṛ afaylu-ik ar dagi akken ad tebduḍ asali
uploadPageSizeMessage = I ugmuḍ ufrin, yelha ad tesqedceḍ ifuyla daw n 1 GAṬ
uploadPageBrowseButton = Fren afaylu sef uselkim-ik
.title = Fren afaylu seg uselkim-ik
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Fren afaylu ad tazneḍ
.title = Fren afaylu ad tazneḍ
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Asali n ddeqs n ifuyla neɣ ikaramen ur ittusefrak ara yakan.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Sali ifuyla
uploadingPageProgress = Tuzna n { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Azmek...
notifyUploadDone = Asali n ufaylu yemmed.
uploadingPageMessage = Ticki afaylu-ik yettali, ad tizmired ad ternuḍ iɣewwaṛen n wazen n tagara.
uploadingPageCancel = Sefsex asali
.title = Safsex Asali
uploadCancelNotification = Asali-ik yefsex.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Afaylu meqqer aṭas ihi yezmer ad yawi ddeqs n wakud. Rǧu ihi!
uploadingFileNotification = Lɣu-yid ticki yemmed usali.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Ihegga i walluy
.alt = Sali
uploadSvgAlt = Sali
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Aseɣwen ar ufaylu-ik ad yemmet ticki yuder-d neɣ deffir n 24 n yisragen.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Nɣel sakin Bḍu aseɣwen akken ad tazneḍ afaylu-ik: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Sers ɣef afus
.title = Sers ɣef afus
copiedUrl = Yenɣel!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Kkes afaylu
.title = Kkes afaylu
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Azen afaylu-nniḍen
.title = Azen afaylu-nniḍen
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Sider
downloadAltText = Sider
downloadFileName = Sider { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Amdakel-ik yuzen-ak-d afaylu s Firefox Firefox Send, ameẓlu ara yeǧǧen tuzna n ifuyla s wudem aɣelsan, s tbadnit akked uwgelhen s useqdec n useqwen ara yeùten s wudem awurman akken talqut-ik ur tettɣimi ara srid i lebda.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Sider
.title = Sider
downloadNotification = Asider-ik yemmed.
downloadFinish = Asider yemmed
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } seg { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Ɛreḍ Firefox Send
.title = Ɛreḍ Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Asider n { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Eǧǧ iccer-agi yeldi ticki nettnadi afaylu akken ad newgelhen.
.alt = Tuccḍa n tuzna
errorAltText = Tuccḍa n tuzna
errorPageHeader = Yella wayen yeḍran!
errorPageMessage = Teḍra-d tuccḍa deg usali n ufaylu.
errorPageLink = Azen afaylu-nniḍen
fileTooBig = Afaylu-agi meqqeṛ aṭas. Yessefk ad yili daw n { $size }.
.alt = Aseɣwen yemmut
linkExpiredAlt = Aseɣwen yemmut
expiredPageHeader = Aseɣwen-agi yemmut neɣ wurǧin yella seg tazwara!
notSupportedHeader = Iminig-ik ur ittusefrak ara
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Aseqdec n usmel n Firefox Send yella daw n <a> ilugan tba
deletePopupText = Kkes afaylu-agi?
deletePopupYes = Ih
deletePopupCancel = Sefsex
.title = Kkes
.title = Nɣel URL.
deleteButtonHover = Kkes
copyUrlHover = Nɣel URL.
footerLinkLegal = Usḍif
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Ɣef Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = 더 알아보기
uploadPageDropMessage = 파일을 끌어 놓아 업로드 시작
uploadPageSizeMessage = 확실한 작동을 위해서, 파일의 크기가 1GB보다 작은 것이 좋음
uploadPageBrowseButton = 컴퓨터의 파일을 선택
.title = 컴퓨터의 파일을 선택
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = 여러 개의 파일 또는 폴더를 업로드하는 것은 현재로선 지원되지 않습니다.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = 파일 업로드
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) 업로드 중
@ -19,52 +18,39 @@ decryptingFile = 복호화 중…
notifyUploadDone = 업로드가 완료되었습니다.
uploadingPageMessage = 파일이 업로드 되고나서 만료 옵션을 설정할 수 있습니다.
uploadingPageCancel = 업로드 취소
.title = 업로드 취소
uploadCancelNotification = 업로드가 취소되었습니다.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = 이 파일은 크기가 커서 시간이 다소 걸릴 수 있습니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요!
uploadingFileNotification = 업로드가 완료되면 알림을 표시해 주세요.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = 보낼 준비 완료
.alt = 업로드
uploadSvgAlt = 업로드
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = 이 파일의 링크는 한 번의 다운로드 후 또는 24시간이 지난 뒤에 만료됩니다.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = 파일을 보내기 위해 이 링크를 복사하고 공유하세요: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = 클립보드에 복사
.title = 클립보드에 복사
copiedUrl = 복사 완료!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = 파일 삭제
.title = 파일 삭제
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = 다른 파일 보내기
.title = 다른 파일 보내기
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = 다운로드
downloadAltText = 다운로드
downloadFileName = { $filename } 다운로드
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = 당신의 친구가 Firefox Send를 통해 파일을 보내고 있습니다. 이 서비스는 안전하고, 개인적이며, 암호화된 링크를 통해 파일을 공유하는 서비스입니다. 사용자의 파일이 더 이상 온라인 상에 남지 않도록 링크는 자동적으로 만료됩니다.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = 다운로드
.title = 다운로드
downloadNotification = 다운로드가 완료되었습니다.
downloadFinish = 다운로드 완료
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send 써보기
.title = Firefox Send 써보기
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) 다운로드 중
downloadingPageMessage = 파일을 가져오고 복호화하는 동안 탭을 닫지 말아주세요.
.alt = 업로드 오류
errorAltText = 업로드 오류
errorPageHeader = 오류가 발생했습니다!
errorPageMessage = 파일을 업로드하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다.
errorPageLink = 다른 파일 보내기
fileTooBig = 파일의 크기가 너무 큽니다. { $size } 보다 작아야 합니다.
.alt = 링크가 만료됨
linkExpiredAlt = 링크가 만료됨
expiredPageHeader = 이 링크는 만료되었거나 애초부터 존재하지 않았습니다!
notSupportedHeader = 이 브라우저는 지원되지 않습니다.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -85,10 +71,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = 또한, Firefox Send 웹사이트 사용에는 <a>웹사이
deletePopupText = 이 파일을 지우시겠습니까?
deletePopupYes = 예
deletePopupCancel = 아니오
.title = 삭제
.title = URL 복사
deleteButtonHover = 삭제
copyUrlHover = URL 복사
footerLinkLegal = 법적 정보
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Test Pilot 정보

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Ketahui selanjutnya
uploadPageDropMessage = Letakkan fail anda di sini untuk mulakan memuat naik
uploadPageSizeMessage = Untuk operasi yang paling selamat, lebih baik pastikan fail anda itu kurang 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Pilih fail dalam komputer anda
.title = Pilih fail dalam komputer anda
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Pilih fail untuk dimuat naik
.title = Pilih fail untuk dimuat naik
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Memuat naik pelbagai fail atau satu folder masih belum disokong.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Muat naik fail
uploadingPageProgress = Memuat naik { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Mengenkripsi...
notifyUploadDone = Muat naik anda sudah siap.
uploadingPageMessage = Setelah siap fail anda dimuat naik, akan boleh tetapkan pilihan luput.
uploadingPageCancel = Batal muat naik
.title = Batal muat naik
uploadCancelNotification = Muat naik anda dibatalkan.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Fail ini besar dan mungkin mengambil masa untuk dimuat naik. Tunggu!
uploadingFileNotification = Maklumkan saya apabila muat naik selesai.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Sedia untuk Hantar
.alt = Muat naik
uploadSvgAlt = Muat naik
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Pautan ke fail anda akan luput selepas 1 muat turun atau dalam 24 jam.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Salin dan kongsi pautan untuk menghantar fail anda: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Salin ke Klipbod
.title = Salin ke Klipbod
copiedUrl = Disalin!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Hapus fail
.title = Hapus fail
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Hantar fail lain
.title = Hantar fail lain
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Muat turun
downloadAltText = Muat turun
downloadFileName = Muat turun { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Rakan anda menghantar satu fail kepada anda menggunakan Firefox Send, satu perkhidmatan yang membolehkan anda berkongsi fail dengan pautan yang selamat, peribadi dan dienkrip, yang secara automatik akan luput bagi memastikan fail anda tidak terus berada dalam talian selama-lamanya.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Muat turun
.title = Muat turun
downloadNotification = Muat turun anda sudah siap.
downloadFinish = Muat turun Selesai
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } daripada { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Cuba Firefox Send
.title = Cuba Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Memuat turun { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Sila biarkan tab ini terbuka semasa kami mengambil fail anda dan menghuraikannya.
.alt = Ralat memuat naik
errorAltText = Ralat memuat naik
errorPageHeader = Ada sesuatu yang tidak kena!
errorPageMessage = Ada ralat semasa memuat naik fail.
errorPageLink = Hantar fail lain
fileTooBig = Fail terlalu besar untuk dimuat naik. Perlu kurang daripada { $size }.
.alt = Pautan sudah luput
linkExpiredAlt = Pautan sudah luput
expiredPageHeader = Pautan ini sudah luput atau pun tidak pernah wujud!
notSupportedHeader = Pelayar anda tidak disokong.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Penggunaan laman web Firefox Send juga tertakluk kepada <a>
deletePopupText = Hapus fail ini?
deletePopupYes = Ya
deletePopupCancel = Batal
.title = Hapus
.title = Salin URL
deleteButtonHover = Hapus
copyUrlHover = Salin URL
footerLinkLegal = Perundangan
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Perihal Ujian Perintis

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Les mer
uploadPageDropMessage = Slipp din fil her for å starte opplastingen
uploadPageSizeMessage = For den mest problemfrie bruken, er det best å holde filen under 1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Velg en fil på din datamaskin
.title = Velg en fil på din datamaskin
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Velg en fil til å laste opp
.title = Velg en fil til å laste opp
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Opplasting av flere filer eller en mappe støttes ikke for øyeblikket.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Last opp fil
uploadingPageProgress = Laster opp { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dekrypterer...
notifyUploadDone = Opplastingen din er ferdig.
uploadingPageMessage = Når filopplastingen din er ferdig, kan du angi utløpsalternativer.
uploadingPageCancel = Avbryt opplasting
.title = Avbryt opplasting
uploadCancelNotification = Din opplasting ble avbrutt
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Denne filen er stor, og det kan ta litt tid å laste opp. Vent litt!
uploadingFileNotification = Varsle meg når opplastingen er ferdig.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Klar til å sende
.alt = Last opp
uploadSvgAlt = Last opp
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Lenken til filen din utløper etter 1 nedlasting eller om 24 timer.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopier og del linken for å sende filen: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Kopier til utklippstavle
.title = Kopier til utklippstavle
copiedUrl = Kopiert!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Slett fil
.title = Slett fil
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Send en annen fil
.title = Send en annen fil
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Last ned
downloadAltText = Last ned
downloadFileName = Last ned { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Din venn sender deg en fil med Firefox Send, en tjeneste som lar deg dele filer med en sikker, privat og kryptert lenke, som automatisk utløper, for å sikre at ting ikke forblir på nettet for alltid.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Last ned
.title = Last ned
downloadNotification = Nedlastingen er fullført.
downloadFinish = Nedlastingen er fullført.
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } av { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Prøv Firefox Send
.title = Prøv Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Laster ned { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = La denne fanen være åpen mens vi henter filen og dekrypterer den.
.alt = Opplastingsfeil
errorAltText = Opplastingsfeil
errorPageHeader = Det oppstod en feil.
errorPageMessage = Det har oppstått en feil under opplasting av filen.
errorPageLink = Send en annen fil
fileTooBig = Filen er for stor til å laste opp. Det må være mindre enn { $size }.
.alt = Lenke utløpt
linkExpiredAlt = Lenke utløpt
expiredPageHeader = Denne lenken er utløpt eller har aldri eksistert i utgangspunktet!
notSupportedHeader = Din nettleser er ikke støttet.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Bruk av Firefox Send-nettsiden er også underlagt Mozillas
deletePopupText = Slette denne filen?
deletePopupYes = Ja
deletePopupCancel = Avbryt
.title = Slett
.title = Kopier URL
deleteButtonHover = Slett
copyUrlHover = Kopier URL
footerLinkLegal = Juridisk informasjon
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Om Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Meer info
uploadPageDropMessage = Sleep uw bestand hiernaartoe om het te uploaden
uploadPageSizeMessage = Voor de meest betrouwbare werking kunt u uw bestand het beste onder de 1 GB houden
uploadPageBrowseButton = Selecteer een bestand op uw computer
.title = Selecteer een bestand op uw computer
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Selecteer een bestand om te uploaden
.title = Selecteer een bestand om te uploaden
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Het uploaden van meerdere bestanden of een map wordt momenteel niet ondersteund.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = bestand uploaden
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wordt geüpload
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Ontcijferen…
notifyUploadDone = Uw upload is voltooid.
uploadingPageMessage = Zodra uw bestand wordt geüpload, kunt u vervalopties instellen.
uploadingPageCancel = Uploaden annuleren
.title = Uploaden annuleren
uploadCancelNotification = Uw upload is geannuleerd.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Dit bestand is groot en het uploaden kan even duren. Even geduld…
uploadingFileNotification = Mij waarschuwen zodra het uploaden is voltooid
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Gereed voor verzending
.alt = Uploaden
uploadSvgAlt = Uploaden
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = De koppeling naar uw bestand zal na 1 download of 24 uur verlopen.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopieer en deel de koppeling om uw bestand te verzenden: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Kopiëren naar klembord
.title = Kopiëren naar klembord
copiedUrl = Gekopieerd!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Bestand verwijderen
.title = Bestand verwijderen
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Nog een bestand verzenden
.title = Nog een bestand verzenden
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Downloaden
downloadAltText = Downloaden
downloadFileName = { $filename } downloaden
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Uw vriend(in) stuurt u een bestand met Firefox Send, een dienst waarmee u bestanden kunt verzenden met een veilige, private en versleutelde koppeling die automatisch verloopt, zodat u zeker weet dat uw zaken niet onbeperkt online blijven.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Downloaden
.title = Downloaden
downloadNotification = Uw download is voltooid.
downloadFinish = Downloaden voltooid
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } van { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send proberen
.title = Firefox Send proberen
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wordt gedownload
downloadingPageMessage = Laat dit tabblad geopend terwijl uw bestand wordt opgehaald en ontcijferd.
.alt = Uploadfout
errorAltText = Uploadfout
errorPageHeader = Er is iets misgegaan!
errorPageMessage = Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uploaden van het bestand.
errorPageLink = Nog een bestand verzenden
fileTooBig = Dat bestand is te groot om te worden geüpload. Het moet kleiner zijn dan { $size }.
.alt = Koppeling verlopen
linkExpiredAlt = Koppeling verlopen
expiredPageHeader = Deze koppeling is verlopen of heeft überhaupt nooit bestaan!
notSupportedHeader = Uw browser wordt niet ondersteund.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Gebruik van de Firefox Send-website is ook onderhevig aan d
deletePopupText = Dit bestand verwijderen?
deletePopupYes = Ja
deletePopupCancel = Annuleren
.title = Verwijderen
.title = URL kopiëren
deleteButtonHover = Verwijderen
copyUrlHover = URL kopiëren
footerLinkLegal = Juridisch
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Over Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Les meir
uploadPageDropMessage = Slepp fila di her for å starte opplastinga
uploadPageSizeMessage = For mest problemfrie bruk, er det best å halde fila under 1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Vel ei fil på datamaskina di
.title = Vel ei fil på datamaskina di
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Vel ei fil å laste opp
.title = Vel ei fil å laste opp
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Opplasting av fleire filer eller ei mappe er for tida ikkje støtta.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Last opp fil
uploadingPageProgress = Lastar opp { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dekrypterer...
notifyUploadDone = Opplastinga di er ferdig.
uploadingPageMessage = Når filopplastinga di er ferdig, kan du spesifisere utgått-alternativ.
uploadingPageCancel = Avbryt opplasting
.title = Avbryt opplasting
uploadCancelNotification = Opplastinga di vart avbroten
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Denne fila er stor, og det kan ta litt tid å laste henne opp. Ver tolmodig!
uploadingFileNotification = Varsle meg når opplastinga er ferdig.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Klår til å senda
.alt = Last opp
uploadSvgAlt = Last opp
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Lenka til fila di går ut etter 1 nedlasting eller om 24 timar.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopier og del lenka for å sende fila: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Kopier til utklippstavla
.title = Kopier til utklippstavla
copiedUrl = Kopiert!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Slett fil
.title = Slett fil
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Send ei anna fil
.title = Send ei anna fil
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Last ned
downloadAltText = Last ned
downloadFileName = Last ned { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Vennen din sender deg eni fil med Firefox Send, ei teneste som lar deg dele filer med ei sikker, privat og kryptert lenke, som automatisk går ut, for å sikre at ting ikkje vert verande på nettet for alltid.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Last ned
.title = Last ned
downloadNotification = Nedlastinga er fullført.
downloadFinish = Nedlastinga er fullført.
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } av { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Prøv Firefox Send
.title = Prøv Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Lastar ned { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = La denne fana vere open mens vi hentar filen og dekrypterar henne.
.alt = Opplastingsfeil
errorAltText = Opplastingsfeil
errorPageHeader = Noko gjekk gale!
errorPageMessage = Dett oppstod ein feil under opplasting av fila.
errorPageLink = Send ei anna fil
fileTooBig = Fila er for stor, og kan ikkje lastast opp. Ho må vere mindre enn { $size }.
.alt = Lenka har gått ut
linkExpiredAlt = Lenka har gått ut
expiredPageHeader = Denne lenka har gått ut eller har aldri eksistert i utgangspunktet!
notSupportedHeader = Nettlesaren din er ikkje støtta.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Bruk av Firefox Send-nettsida er også underlagt Mozillas <
deletePopupText = Slette denne fila?
deletePopupYes = Ja
deletePopupCancel = Avbryt
.title = Slett
.title = Kopier URL
deleteButtonHover = Slett
copyUrlHover = Kopier URL
footerLinkLegal = Juridisk informasjon
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Om Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Saiba mais
uploadPageDropMessage = Arraste o arquivo para cá para iniciar o envio
uploadPageSizeMessage = Para uma operação mais confiável, é melhor manter seu arquivo menor que 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Selecione um arquivo em seu computador
.title = Selecione um arquivo em seu computador
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Selecione um arquivo para carregar
.title = Selecione um arquivo para carregar
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Enviar múltiplos arquivos ou uma pasta ainda não é suportado.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Enviar arquivo
uploadingPageProgress = Enviando { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Descriptografando…
notifyUploadDone = Arquivo enviado.
uploadingPageMessage = Uma vez que seu arquivo seja enviado você poderá definir opções de expiração.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancelar envio
.title = Cancelar envio
uploadCancelNotification = Você cancelou o envio.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Esse arquivo é grande e pode demorar para ser enviado. Aguarde!
uploadingFileNotification = Me avise quando completar o envio.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Pronto para enviar
.alt = Enviado
uploadSvgAlt = Enviado
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = O link para o seu arquivo expirará após 1 download ou em 24 horas.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copie e compartilhe o link para enviar o seu arquivo: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar para área de transferência
.title = Copiar para área de transferência
copiedUrl = Copiado!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Excluir arquivo
.title = Excluir arquivo
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Enviar outro arquivo
.title = Enviar outro arquivo
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Baixar
downloadAltText = Baixar
downloadFileName = Baixar { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Seu amigo está te enviando um arquivo através do Firefox Send, um serviço que permite compartilhar arquivos com um link seguro, privado e criptografado que automaticamente expira para garantir que suas coisas não permaneçam on-line eternamente.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Baixar
.title = Baixar
downloadNotification = Seu download terminou.
downloadFinish = Download completo
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Experimente o Firefox Send
.title = Experimente o Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Baixando { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Por favor, deixe essa aba aberta enquanto buscamos seu arquivo e o descriptografamos.
.alt = Erro no envio
errorAltText = Erro no envio
errorPageHeader = Oops, ocorreu um erro!
errorPageMessage = Houve um erro ao enviar o arquivo.
errorPageLink = Enviar outro arquivo
fileTooBig = Esse arquivo é muito grande. Ele deve ser menor que { $size }.
.alt = Link expirou
linkExpiredAlt = Link expirou
expiredPageHeader = Esse link expirou, ou talvez nunca tenha existido!
notSupportedHeader = Seu navegador não tem suporte.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = O uso do site Firefox Send também está sujeito a <a>Polí
deletePopupText = Excluir este arquivo?
deletePopupYes = Sim
deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
.title = Excluir
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Excluir
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Jurídico
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Sobre o Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Saber mais
uploadPageDropMessage = Largue o seu ficheiro aqui para começar a carregar
uploadPageSizeMessage = Para uma operação mais confiável, é melhor manter o seu ficheiro abaixo de 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Selecionar um ficheiro no seu computador
.title = Selecionar um ficheiro no seu computador
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Selecione um ficheiro a enviar
.title = Selecione um ficheiro a enviar
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Carregar múltiplos ficheiros ou uma pasta não é atualmente suportado.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Carregar ficheiro
uploadingPageProgress = A carregar { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = A desencriptar...
notifyUploadDone = O seu carregamento terminou.
uploadingPageMessage = Assim que o seu ficheiro carregar irá poder definir as opções de expiração.
uploadingPageCancel = Cancelar carregamento
.title = Cancelar carregamento
uploadCancelNotification = O seu carregamento foi cancelado.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Este ficheiro é grande e pode demorar um pouco a carregar. Fique onde está!
uploadingFileNotification = Notificar-me quando o carregamento estiver completo.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Pronto para enviar
.alt = Carregar
uploadSvgAlt = Carregar
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = A ligação para o seu ficheiro irá expirar depois de 1 descarga ou em 24 horas.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copie e partilhe a ligação para enviar o seu ficheiro: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Copiar para a área de transferência
.title = Copiar para a área de transferência
copiedUrl = Copiado!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Apagar ficheiro
.title = Apagar ficheiro
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Enviar outro ficheiro
.title = Enviar outro ficheiro
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Descarregar
downloadAltText = Descarregar
downloadFileName = Descarregar { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = O seu amigo está a enviar-lhe um ficheiro com o Firefox Send, um serviço que lhe permite partilhar ficheiro com uma ligação segura, privada e encriptada que expira automaticamente para garantir que as suas coisas não fiquem online para sempre.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Descarregar
.title = Descarregar
downloadNotification = A sua descarga foi completada.
downloadFinish = Descarga completada
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Tentar o Firefox Send
.title = Tentar o Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = A descarregar { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Por favor deixe este separador aberto enquanto obtemos o seu ficheiro e o desencriptamos.
.alt = Erro ao carregar
errorAltText = Erro ao carregar
errorPageHeader = Algo correu mal.
errorPageMessage = Houve um erro ao carregar o ficheiro.
errorPageLink = Enviar outro ficheiro
fileTooBig = Esse ficheiro é muito grande para carregar. Deve ser menor do que { $size }.
.alt = Ligação expirada
linkExpiredAlt = Ligação expirada
expiredPageHeader = Esta ligação expirou ou nunca existiu em primeiro lugar!
notSupportedHeader = O seu navegador não é suportado.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = A utilização do website do Firefox Send está também suj
deletePopupText = Apagar este ficheiro?
deletePopupYes = Sim
deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
.title = Apagar
.title = Copiar URL
deleteButtonHover = Apagar
copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
footerLinkLegal = Legal
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Acerca do Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Подробнее
uploadPageDropMessage = Перетащите свой файл сюда, чтобы начать загрузку
uploadPageSizeMessage = Для более надёжной работы сервиса, размер вашего файла не должен превышать 1ГБ.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Выбрать файл с моего компьютера
.title = Выбрать файл с моего компьютера
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Выбрать файл для загрузки
.title = Выбрать файл для загрузки
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Загрузка нескольких файлов или папок в настоящее время не поддерживается.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Загрузить файл
uploadingPageProgress = Загружаю { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Расшифровка...
notifyUploadDone = Ваша загрузка завершена.
uploadingPageMessage = Как только вы загрузите свой файл, вы сможете установить срок хранения.
uploadingPageCancel = Отменить загрузку
.title = Отменить загрузку
uploadCancelNotification = Ваша загрузка была отменена.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Этот файл довольно большой и его загрузка может занять продолжительное время. Держитесь!
uploadingFileNotification = Оповестить меня, когда загрузка завершится.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Готов к отправке
.alt = Загрузить
uploadSvgAlt = Загрузить
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Ссылка на ваш файл просрочится после 1 загрузки файла или через 24 часа.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Скопировать и поделиться ссылкой на отправку вашего файла: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Скопировать в буфер обмена
.title = Скопировать в буфер обмена
copiedUrl = Скопировано!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Удалить файл
.title = Удалить файл
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Отправить другой файл
.title = Отправить другой файл
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Загрузить
downloadAltText = Загрузить
downloadFileName = Загрузить { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Ваш друг отправил вам файл с помощью Firefox Send, сервиса, который позволяет вам делиться файлами, используя безопасные, приватные и зашифрованные ссылки, которые автоматически просрачиваются, чтобы ваши файлы не остались в онлайне навсегда.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Скачать
.title = Скачать
downloadNotification = Ваша загрузка завершена.
downloadFinish = Загрузка завершена
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } из { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Попробовать Firefox Send
.title = Попробовать Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Загрузка { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Пожалуйста, оставьте эту вкладку открытой, пока мы загружаем ваш файл и расшифровываем его.
.alt = Ошибка загрузки
errorAltText = Ошибка загрузки
errorPageHeader = Что-то пошло не так!
errorPageMessage = Произошла ошибка при загрузке файла.
errorPageLink = Отправить другой файл.
fileTooBig = Этот файл слишком большой для загрузки. Он должен быть меньше { $size }.
.alt = Ссылка просрочена
linkExpiredAlt = Ссылка просрочена
expiredPageHeader = Это ссылка просрочена или никогда не существовала!
notSupportedHeader = Ваш браузер не поддерживается.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Использование сайта Firefox Send такж
deletePopupText = Удалить этот файл?
deletePopupYes = Да
deletePopupCancel = Отмена
.title = Удалить
.title = Скопировать URL
deleteButtonHover = Удалить
copyUrlHover = Скопировать URL
footerLinkLegal = Права
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = О программе Лётчика-испытателя

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Ďalšie informácie
uploadPageDropMessage = Presunutím súboru sem začnete nahrávanie
uploadPageSizeMessage = Pre zaistenie čo najväčšej spoľahlivosti vám odporúčame nahrávať súbory menšie než 1GB.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Vyberte súbor vo vašom počítači
.title = Vyberte súbor vo vašom počítači
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Vyberte súbor na nahratie
.title = Vyberte súbor na nahratie
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nahrávanie viacerých súborov alebo priečinkov momentálne nie je podporované.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Nahrať súbor
uploadingPageProgress = Nahrávanie súboru { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dešifruje sa…
notifyUploadDone = Vaše nahrávanie sa dokončilo.
uploadingPageMessage = Po nahratí súboru budete môcť nastaviť vypršanie platnosti.
uploadingPageCancel = Zrušiť nahrávanie
.title = Zrušiť nahrávanie
uploadCancelNotification = Vaše nahrávanie bolo zrušené.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Tento súbor je veľký. Nahrávanie tak môže chvíľu trvať.
uploadingFileNotification = Upozorniť ma na ukončenie nahrávania
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Pripravené na odoslanie
.alt = Nahrať
uploadSvgAlt = Nahrať
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Platnosť odkazu vyprší po 1 prevzatí alebo po uplynutí 24 hodín.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Skopírovaním a zdieľaním odkazu odošlete váš súbor: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Kopírovať do schránky
.title = Kopírovať do schránky
copiedUrl = Skopírované!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Odstrániť súbor
.title = Odstrániť súbor
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Odoslať ďalší súbor
.title = Odoslať ďalší súbor
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Prevziať
downloadAltText = Prevziať
downloadFileName = Prevziať { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Váš priateľ vám odoslal súbor pomocou služby Firefox Sync - táto vám umožňuje zdieľať súbory pomocou bezpečného, súkromného a zašifrovaného odkazu, ktorého platnosť automaticky vyprší. Vďaka tomu máte istotu, že vaše súbory neostanú na internete naveky.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Prevziať
.title = Prevziať
downloadNotification = Vaše preberanie bolo dokončené.
downloadFinish = Preberanie bolo dokončené
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Vyskúšajte Firefox Send
.title = Vyskúšajte Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Preberá sa { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Prosím, ponechajte túto kartu otvorenú zatiaľ čo váš súbor prevezmeme a dešifrujeme.
.alt = Pri nahrávaní sa vyskytla chyba
errorAltText = Pri nahrávaní sa vyskytla chyba
errorPageHeader = Vyskytol sa problém.
errorPageMessage = Pri nahrávaní súboru nastala chyba.
errorPageLink = Odošlite ďalší súbor
fileTooBig = Súbor je príliš veľký. Mal by byť menší než { $size }.
.alt = Platnosť odkazu vypršala
linkExpiredAlt = Platnosť odkazu vypršala
expiredPageHeader = Platnosť tohto odkazu vypršala alebo daný odkaz nikdy neexistoval.
notSupportedHeader = Váš prehliadač nie je podporovaný.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Na použitie webovej stránky služby Firefox Send sa vzťa
deletePopupText = Naozaj chcete odstrániť tento súbor?
deletePopupYes = Áno
deletePopupCancel = Zrušiť
.title = Odstrániť
.title = Skopírovať adresu URL
deleteButtonHover = Odstrániť
copyUrlHover = Skopírovať adresu URL
footerLinkLegal = Právne informácie
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = O projekte Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Več o tem
uploadPageDropMessage = Tukaj spustite datoteko za začetek nalaganja
uploadPageSizeMessage = Za zanesljivo delovanje je najbolje, da datoteka ne presega 1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Izberite datoteko na računalniku
.title = Izberite datoteko na računalniku
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Izberite datoteko za nalaganje
.title = Izberite datoteko za nalaganje
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nalaganje več datotek ali map trenutno ni podprto.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Naloži datoteko
uploadingPageProgress = Nalaganje { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dešifriranje ...
notifyUploadDone = Nalaganje je končano.
uploadingPageMessage = Ko bo vaša datoteka naložena, boste lahko nastavili možnosti poteka.
uploadingPageCancel = Prekliči nalaganje
.title = Prekliči nalaganje
uploadCancelNotification = Nalaganje je preklicano.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Datoteka je velika in lahko traja nekaj časa, da se naloži. Počakajte trenutek!
uploadingFileNotification = Obvesti me, ko bo nalaganje končano.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Pripravljeno za pošiljanje
.alt = Naloži
uploadSvgAlt = Naloži
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Povezava do vaše datoteke bo potekla po enem prenosu ali v 24 urah.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopirajte in delite to povezavo, da pošljete datoteko: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Kopiraj v odložišče
.title = Kopiraj v odložišče
copiedUrl = Kopirano!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Izbriši datoteko
.title = Izbriši datoteko
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Pošlji drugo datoteko
.title = Pošlji drugo datoteko
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Prenesi
downloadAltText = Prenesi
downloadFileName = Prenesi { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Prijatelj vam pošilja datoteko preko storitve Firefox Send, ki vam omogoča deljenje datotek preko varne, zasebne in šifrirane povezave, ki samodejno poteče, kar vam zagotavlja, da vaše stvari ne ostanejo na spletu za vedno.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Prenesi
.title = Prenesi
downloadNotification = Vaš prenos je končan.
downloadFinish = Prenos končan
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } od { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Preskusite Firefox Send
.title = Preskusite Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Prenašanje { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Medtem ko pridobivamo vašo datoteko in jo dešifriramo, pustite ta zavihek odprt.
.alt = Napaka pri nalaganju
errorAltText = Napaka pri nalaganju
errorPageHeader = Prišlo je do težave!
errorPageMessage = Pri nalaganju vaše datoteke je prišlo do napake.
errorPageLink = Pošlji drugo datoteko
fileTooBig = Ta datoteka je prevelika za nalaganje. Največja možna velikost je { $size }.
.alt = Povezava je potekla
linkExpiredAlt = Povezava je potekla
expiredPageHeader = Ta povezava je potekla ali pa sploh ni obstajala!
notSupportedHeader = Vaš brskalnik ni podprt.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Za uporabo spletne strani Firefox Send veljajo Mozillini <a
deletePopupText = Izbrišem to datoteko?
deletePopupYes = Da
deletePopupCancel = Prekliči
.title = Izbriši
.title = Kopiraj spletni naslov
deleteButtonHover = Izbriši
copyUrlHover = Kopiraj spletni naslov
footerLinkLegal = Pravno obvestilo
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = O programu Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Сазнајте више
uploadPageDropMessage = Превуците ваше датотеке овде да бисте кренули са отпремањем
uploadPageSizeMessage = За бољи рад предлажемо да датотека не буде већа од 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Изаберите датотеку на рачунару
.title = Изаберите датотеку на рачунару
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Изаберите датотеку за отпремање
.title = Изаберите датотеку за отпремање
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Отпремање фасцикли или више датотека тренутно није подржано.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Отпреми датотеку
uploadingPageProgress = Отпремам { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Дешифрујем…
notifyUploadDone = Ваше отпремање је завршено.
uploadingPageMessage = Након што се ваша датотека отпреми, моћи ћете да подесите опције истека.
uploadingPageCancel = Откажи отпремање
.title = Откажи отпремање
uploadCancelNotification = Ваше отпремање је отказано.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Ово је велика датотека и отпремање може потрајати. Будите стрпљиви!
uploadingFileNotification = Обавести ме када се отпремање заврши.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Спреман за слање
.alt = Отпреми
uploadSvgAlt = Отпреми
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Веза ка вашој датотеци ће истећи након једног преузимања или након 24 сата.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Ископирајте и поделите везу да бисте послали вашу датотеку: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Копирај у оставу
.title = Копирај у оставу
copiedUrl = Ископирано!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Обриши датотеку
.title = Обриши датотеку
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Пошаљи другу датотеку
.title = Пошаљи другу датотеку
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Преузми
downloadAltText = Преузми
downloadFileName = Преузимање датотеке { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Ваш пријатељ вам је послао датотеку преко услуге Firefox Send која вам омогућава да делите датотеке преко безбедне, приватне и шифроване везе која самостално истиче да ваше ствари не би остале на нету заувек.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Преузми
.title = Преузми
downloadNotification = Ваше преузимање је завршено.
downloadFinish = Преузимање је завршено.
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } од { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Испробајте Firefox Send
.title = Испробајте Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Преузимам датотеку { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Оставите овај језичак отвореним док не добавимо вашу датотеку и док је не дешифрујемо.
.alt = Грешка при отпремању
errorAltText = Грешка при отпремању
errorPageHeader = Нешто је пошло наопако!
errorPageMessage = Догодила се грешка приликом отпремања датотеке.
errorPageLink = Пошаљи другу датотеку
fileTooBig = Та датотека је превелика за отпремање. Треба да буде мања од { $size }.
.alt = Веза је истекла
linkExpiredAlt = Веза је истекла
expiredPageHeader = Веза је или истекла, или никада није ни постојала!
notSupportedHeader = Ваш прегледач није подржан.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Коришћење Firefox Send веб сајта подл
deletePopupText = Обрисати ову датотеку?
deletePopupYes = Да
deletePopupCancel = Откажи
.title = Обриши
.title = Ископирај URL
deleteButtonHover = Обриши
copyUrlHover = Ископирај URL
footerLinkLegal = Правни подаци
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = О Тест Пилоту

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Läs mer
uploadPageDropMessage = Släpp filen här för att börja ladda upp
uploadPageSizeMessage = För den mest tillförlitliga driften är det bäst att hålla din fil under 1 GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = Välj en fil på din dator
.title = Välj en fil på din dator
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Välj en fil att ladda upp
.title = Välj en fil att ladda upp
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Överföring av flera filer eller en mapp stöds för närvarande inte.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Ladda upp fil
uploadingPageProgress = Laddar upp { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Avkodar…
notifyUploadDone = Din uppladdning har slutförts.
uploadingPageMessage = När din filuppladdning är klar kommer du att kunna ange alternativ för upphörande.
uploadingPageCancel = Avbryt uppladdning
.title = Avbryt uppladdning
uploadCancelNotification = Din uppladdning avbröts.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Den här filen är stor och kan ta ett tag att ladda upp. Ha tålamod!
uploadingFileNotification = Meddela mig när uppladdningen är klar.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Klar för att skicka
.alt = Ladda upp
uploadSvgAlt = Ladda upp
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Länken till din fil upphör att gälla efter 1 nedladdning eller om 24 timmar.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopiera och dela länken för att skicka din fil: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Kopiera till urklipp
.title = Kopiera till urklipp
copiedUrl = Kopierad!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Ta bort fil
.title = Ta bort fil
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Skicka en annan fil
.title = Skicka en annan fil
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Ladda ner
downloadAltText = Ladda ner
downloadFileName = Ladda ner { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Din vän skickar dig en fil med Firefox Send, en tjänst som låter dig dela filer med en säker, privat och krypterad länk som automatiskt upphör för att säkerställa att dina saker inte förblir på nätet för alltid.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Ladda ner
.title = Ladda ner
downloadNotification = Din nedladdning har slutförts.
downloadFinish = Nedladdning klar
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } av { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Testa Firefox Send
.title = Testa Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Laddar ner { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Lämna den här fliken öppen medan vi laddar ner din fil och dekrypterar den.
.alt = Uppladdningsfel
errorAltText = Uppladdningsfel
errorPageHeader = Något gick fel!
errorPageMessage = Det har uppstått ett fel vid uppladdning av filen.
errorPageLink = Skicka en annan fil
fileTooBig = Den filen är för stor för att ladda upp. Det ska vara mindre än { $size }.
.alt = Länk upphörd
linkExpiredAlt = Länk upphörd
expiredPageHeader = Den här länken har upphört eller har aldrig existerat i första hand!
notSupportedHeader = Din webbläsare stöds inte.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Användning av webbplatsen för Firefox Send är också fö
deletePopupText = Ta bort den här filen?
deletePopupYes = Ja
deletePopupCancel = Avbryt
.title = Ta bort
.title = Kopiera URL
deleteButtonHover = Ta bort
copyUrlHover = Kopiera URL
footerLinkLegal = Juridisk information
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Om Test Pilot

View file

@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = ఇంకా తెలుసుకోండి
uploadPageDropMessage = ఎగుమతిని ప్రారంభించడానికి మీ ఫైలును ఇక్కడ విడిచిపెట్టండి
uploadPageSizeMessage = అత్యంత నమ్మకమైన కార్యం కోసం, మీ ఫైలును 1GB కంటే తక్కువగా ఉంచడం ఉత్తమం
uploadPageBrowseButton = మీ కంప్యూటర్లో ఒక ఫైలును ఎంచుకోండి
.title = మీ కంప్యూటర్లో ఒక ఫైలును ఎంచుకోండి
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = ఎక్కించటానికి ఒక ఫైలును ఎంచుకోండి
.title = ఎక్కించటానికి ఒక ఫైలును ఎంచుకోండి
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = ఫైలును ఎగుమతి చేయండి
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) ఎక్కుతోంది
importingFile = దిగుమతవుతోంది...
@ -18,48 +16,35 @@ decryptingFile = వ్యక్తపరుస్తోంది...
notifyUploadDone = మీ ఎగుమతి పూర్తయింది.
uploadingPageMessage = మీ ఫైలును మీరు ఎగుమతి చేసిన తర్వాత గడువు ఎంపికలను సరిగా ఏర్పాటు చేయగలరు.
uploadingPageCancel = ఎగుమతి రద్దు చేయండి
.title = ఎగుమతి రద్దు చేయండి
uploadCancelNotification = మీ ఎగుమతి రద్దు చేయబడింది.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = ఈ ఫైలు పెద్దగా ఉంది అందువలన ఎగుమతి చేయడానికి కొంత సమయం పట్టవచ్చు. వేచి ఉండండి!
uploadingFileNotification = ఎగుమతి పూర్తయినప్పుడు నాకు తెలియచేయండి.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = పంపించడానికి సిద్ధంగా ఉంది
.alt = ఎగుమతి చేయండి
uploadSvgAlt = ఎగుమతి చేయండి
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = మీ ఫైలు లంకె గడువు 1 దిగుమతి తరువాత లేదా 24 గంటల తరువాత ముగుస్తుంది.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = మీ ఫైల్ను పంపడానికి లంకెను నకలు చేయండి మరియు పంచండి: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = క్లిప్బోర్డ్కు నకలు చేయండి
.title = క్లిప్బోర్డ్కు నకలు చేయండి
copiedUrl = నకలు చేయబడింది!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = ఫైలును తొలగించండి
.title = ఫైలును తొలగించండి
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = మరో ఫైలును పంపండి
.title = మరో ఫైలును పంపండి
sendAnotherFileLink = మరో ఫైలును పంపండి
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = దిగుమతి
downloadAltText = దిగుమతి
downloadFileName = దిగుమతి { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = దిగుమతి
.title = దిగుమతి
downloadNotification = మీ దిగుమతి పూర్తయ్యింది.
downloadFinish = దిగుమతి పూర్తయింది
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = { $totalSize }) యొక్క ({ $partialSize }
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox sendను ప్రయత్నించండి
.title = Firefox sendను ప్రయత్నించండి
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox sendను ప్రయత్నించండి
downloadingPageProgress = దిగుమతిచేస్తున్నది { $filename } ({ $size })
.alt = ఎగుమతిలో లోపం
errorAltText = ఎగుమతిలో లోపం
errorPageHeader = ఏదో తప్పిదం జరిగింది!
errorPageMessage = ఫైల్ను ఎగుమతి చేయడంలో లోపం ఉంది.
errorPageLink = మరో ఫైలును పంపండి
.alt = లంకె గడువు ముగిసింది
errorPageLink = మరో ఫైలును పంపండి
linkExpiredAlt = లంకె గడువు ముగిసింది
expiredPageHeader = ఈ లంకె గడువు ముగిసింది లేదా ముందు ఎప్పుడూ ఉనికిలో లేదు!
notSupportedHeader = మీ విహారిణికి మద్దతు లేదు.
notSupportedLink = నా విహారిణికి ఎందుకు మద్దతు లేదు?
@ -75,10 +60,8 @@ legalHeader = నిబంధనలు మరియు గోప్యత
deletePopupText = ఈ ఫైలును తొలగించాలా?
deletePopupYes = అవును
deletePopupCancel = రద్దుచేయి
.title = తొలగించు
.title = URLను నకలు చేయండి
deleteButtonHover = తొలగించు
copyUrlHover = URLను నకలు చేయండి
footerLinkLegal = చట్టపరమైన
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = టెస్ట్ పైలట్ గురించి

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Daha fazla bilgi alın
uploadPageDropMessage = Yüklemeyi başlatmak için dosyanızı buraya bırakın
uploadPageSizeMessage = Sorun yaşamamak adına dosyanızın 1 GBden küçük olmasını öneririz
uploadPageBrowseButton = Bilgisayarınızdan bir dosya seçin
.title = Bilgisayarınızdan bir dosya seçin
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Yüklenecek dosyayı seçin
.title = Yüklenecek dosyayı seçin
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Birden fazla dosya veya klasör yükleme şimdilik desteklenmiyor.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Dosyayı yükle
uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } yükleniyor ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Şifre çözülüyor…
notifyUploadDone = Yüklemeniz tamamlandı.
uploadingPageMessage = Dosyanız yüklendikten sonra zaman aşımını ayarlayabileceksiniz.
uploadingPageCancel = Yüklemeyi iptal et
.title = Yüklemeyi iptal et
uploadCancelNotification = Yüklemeniz iptal edildi.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Bu dosya büyük olduğu için yüklenmesi zaman alabilir. Sayfayı kapatmayın!
uploadingFileNotification = Yükleme bitince bana haber ver.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Göndermeye hazır
.alt = Yükle
uploadSvgAlt = Yükle
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Dosyanız 1 kez indirildikten veya 24 saat geçtikten sonra linkiniz geçersiz olacaktır.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = { $filename } dosyanızı başkasına göndermek için aşağıdaki linki kopyalayın.
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Panoya kopyala
.title = Panoya kopyala
copiedUrl = Kopyalandı!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Dosyayı sil
.title = Dosyayı sil
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Başka bir dosya daha gönder
.title = Başka bir dosya daha gönder
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = İndir
downloadAltText = İndir
downloadFileName = { $filename } dosyasını indir
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Arkadaşınız size Firefox Send ile bir dosya gönderdi. Firefox Send; dosyalarınızı güvenli, size özel, şifrelenmiş ve otomatik olarak silinen bir bağlantıyla paylaşmayı sağlar. Böylece özel dosyalarınız sonsuza dek internette kalmaz.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = İndir
.title = İndir
downloadNotification = İndirme tamamlandı.
downloadFinish = İndirme tamamlandı
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Sendi deneyin
.title = Firefox Sendi deneyin
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } indiriliyor ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Dosyanız indirilip şifresi çözülürken lütfen bu sekmeyi açık bırakın.
.alt = Yükleme hatası
errorAltText = Yükleme hatası
errorPageHeader = Bir şeyler ters gitti!
errorPageMessage = Dosyanız yüklenirken bir hata oluştu.
errorPageLink = Başka bir dosya gönder
fileTooBig = Dosyanız çok büyük. En fazla { $size } boyutunda olmalı.
.alt = Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğramış
linkExpiredAlt = Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğramış
expiredPageHeader = Bu bağlantı zaman aşımına uğramış veya böyle bir bağlantı hiç yoktu.
notSupportedHeader = Tarayıcınız desteklenmiyor.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Firefox Sendi kullanmak Mozillanın <a>Web Siteleri G
deletePopupText = Bu dosya silinsin mi?
deletePopupYes = Evet
deletePopupCancel = Vazgeç
.title = Sil
.title = Adresi kopyala
deleteButtonHover = Sil
copyUrlHover = Adresi kopyala
footerLinkLegal = Yasal Bilgiler
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Test Pilotu hakkında

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Докладніше
uploadPageDropMessage = Перетягніть свій файл сюди, щоб почати вивантаження
uploadPageSizeMessage = Для більш надійної роботи сервісу, розмір вашого файлу не має перевищувати 1ГБ.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Виберіть файл на комп'ютері
.title = Виберіть файл на комп'ютері
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Виберіть файл для вивантаження
.title = Виберіть файл для вивантаження
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Вивантаження кількох файлів чи тек на даний момент не підтримується.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Вивантажити файл
uploadingPageProgress = Вивантажуємо { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Розшифровуємо...
notifyUploadDone = Ваше вивантаження завершено.
uploadingPageMessage = Як тільки ваш вайл вивантажиться,ви зможете встановити термін зберігання.
uploadingPageCancel = Скасувати вивантаження
.title = Скасувати вивантаження
uploadCancelNotification = Ваше вивантаження було скасовано.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Цей файл доволі великий і його вивантаження може зайняти певний час. Тримайтеся!
uploadingFileNotification = Сповістити мене, коли вивантаження буде готово.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Готовий до надсилання
.alt = Вивантажити
uploadSvgAlt = Вивантажити
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Час дії цього посилання закінчиться після 1 завантаження, або через 24 години.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Скопіювати і поділитися посиланням на ваш файл: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Копіювати у буфер обміну
.title = Копіювати у буфер обміну
copiedUrl = Скопійовано!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Видалити файл
.title = Видалити файл
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Надіслати інший файл
.title = Надіслати інший файл
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Завантаживи
downloadAltText = Завантаживи
downloadFileName = Завантажити { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Ваш друг надіслав файл за допомогою Firefox Send, який дозволяє ділитися файлами, використовуючи безпечні, приватні та зашифровані посилання, термін дії яких автоматично закінчується, щоб ваші файли не лишилися в Інтернеті назавжди.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Завантажити
.title = Завантажити
downloadNotification = Ваше завантаження готово.
downloadFinish = Завантаження готово
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } з { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Спробуйте Firefox Send
.title = Спробуйте Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Завантаження { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Будь ласка, залиште цю вкладку відкритою, поки ми завантажуємо ваш файл і розшифровуємо його.
.alt = Помилка вивантаження
errorAltText = Помилка вивантаження
errorPageHeader = Щось пішло не так!
errorPageMessage = Сталась помилка при вивантаженні цього файлу.
errorPageLink = Надіслати інший файл
fileTooBig = Цей файл завеликий для вивантаження. Він має бути меншим за { $size }.
.alt = Час дії посилання минув
linkExpiredAlt = Час дії посилання минув
expiredPageHeader = Посилання не існує, або час його дії минув!
notSupportedHeader = Ваш браузер не підтримується.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Використання сайту Firefox Send також
deletePopupText = Видалити цей файл?
deletePopupYes = Так
deletePopupCancel = Скасувати
.title = Видалити
.title = Копіювати URL
deleteButtonHover = Видалити
copyUrlHover = Копіювати URL
footerLinkLegal = Права
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Про Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Tìm hiểu thêm
uploadPageDropMessage = Kéo thả tập tin của bạn vào đây và bắt đầu tải lên
uploadPageSizeMessage = Để có thể hoạt động tốt nhất, hãy giữ tập tin của bạn dưới 1GB.
uploadPageBrowseButton = Chọn một tập tin từ máy tính
.title = Chọn một tập tin từ máy tính
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Chọn tập tin để tải lên
.title = Chọn tập tin để tải lên
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Tải lên nhiều tập tin một lúc hoặc tải lên một thư mục chưa được hỗ trợ.
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Tải tập tin lên
uploadingPageProgress = Đang tải lên { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Đang giải mã...
notifyUploadDone = Quá trình tải lên đã hoàn tất.
uploadingPageMessage = Một khi tập tin được tải lên, bạn sẽ có thể thiết lập các tùy chọn hết hạn của tập tin.
uploadingPageCancel = Hủy tải lên
.title = Hủy tải lên
uploadCancelNotification = Quá trình tải lên đã bị hủy.
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Tập tin này khá nặng và sẽ tốn một chút thời gian để tải lên. Chờ chút nhé!
uploadingFileNotification = Thông báo cho tôi khi tải lên hoàn tất.
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Đã sẵn sàng để Gửi
.alt = Tải lên
uploadSvgAlt = Tải lên
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Liên kết đến tập tin của bạn sẽ hết hạn sau 1 lượt tải về hoặc trong 24 giờ.
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Sao chép và chia sẻ liên kết để gửi tập tin của bạn: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = Sao chép vào vùng nhớ tạm
.title = Sao chép vào vùng nhớ tạm
copiedUrl = Đã sao chép!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = Xóa tập tin
.title = Xóa tập tin
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = Gửi tập tin khác
.title = Gửi tập tin khác
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = Tải về
downloadAltText = Tải về
downloadFileName = Tải về { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Bạn của bạn đang gửi một tập tin thông qua Firefox Send, một dịch vụ cho phép bạn chia sẻ tập tin một cách an toàn, riêng tư, có liên kết được mã hóa và sẽ tự động hết hạn để chắc chắn rằng dữ liệu của bạn không nằm mãi mãi trên Internet.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Tải về
.title = Tải về
downloadNotification = Quá trình tải về đã hoàn tất.
downloadFinish = Tải về hoàn tất
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } trong { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Dùng thử Firefox Send
.title = Dùng thử Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = Đang tải về { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = Vui lòng giữ cửa sổ này mở trong khi chúng tôi lấy tập tin và giải mã chúng.
.alt = Lỗi tải lên
errorAltText = Lỗi tải lên
errorPageHeader = Có gì đó không ổn!
errorPageMessage = Đã có lỗi trong quá trình tải lên tập tin.
errorPageLink = Gửi tập tin khác
fileTooBig = Tập tin này quá lớn để tải lên. Kích thước tập tin phải nhỏ hơn { $size }.
.alt = Liên kết đã hết hạn
linkExpiredAlt = Liên kết đã hết hạn
expiredPageHeader = Liên kết này đã hết hạn hoặc chưa từng được sử dụng!
notSupportedHeader = Trình duyệt của bạn không được hỗ trợ.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Sử dụng trang web Firefox Send cũng phải tuân theo
deletePopupText = Xóa tập tin này?
deletePopupYes = Đồng ý
deletePopupCancel = Hủy bỏ
.title = Xóa
.title = Sao chép URL
deleteButtonHover = Xóa
copyUrlHover = Sao chép URL
footerLinkLegal = Pháp lý
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Về Test Pilot

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = 详细了解
uploadPageDropMessage = 把文件拖到到此处开始上传
uploadPageSizeMessage = 为保证运行稳定,建议文件大小不超过 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = 选择一个您电脑上的文件
.title = 选择一个您电脑上的文件
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = 选择一个要上传的文件
.title = 选择一个要上传的文件
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = 目前不支持上传多个文件或上传文件夹。
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = 上传文件
uploadingPageProgress = 正在上传 { $filename } ({ $size })
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = 正在解密…
notifyUploadDone = 您的上传已完成。
uploadingPageMessage = 在文件上传后,您可以设定过期选项。
uploadingPageCancel = 取消上传
.title = 取消上传
uploadCancelNotification = 您的上传已取消。
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = 此文件较大,可能要花费一些时间。请稍候。
uploadingFileNotification = 上传完成后通知我。
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = 准备好发送
.alt = 上传
uploadSvgAlt = 上传
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = 您的文件的链接将在首次下载或 24 小时后过期。
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = 复制并分享链接以发送您的文件:{ $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = 复制到剪贴板
.title = 复制到剪贴板
copiedUrl = 已复制!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = 删除文件
.title = 删除文件
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = 发送其他文件
.title = 发送其他文件
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = 下载
downloadAltText = 下载
downloadFileName = 下载 { $filename }
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = 您的朋友使用 Firefox Send 向您发送一个文件。该服务允许用户以安全、私密、受加密的链接分享一个文件,链接到期后文件将从网上彻底抹除。
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = 下载
.title = 下载
downloadNotification = 您的下载已完成。
downloadFinish = 下载完成
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = 尝试 Firefox Send
.title = 尝试 Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = 正在下载 { $filename } ({ $size })
downloadingPageMessage = 在我们获取您的文件并解密的期间,请不要关闭此网页。
.alt = 上传出错
errorAltText = 上传出错
errorPageHeader = 我们遇到错误。
errorPageMessage = 上传文件时发生错误。
errorPageLink = 发送其他文件
fileTooBig = 此文件太大。文件大小上限为 { $size }。
.alt = 链接已过期
linkExpiredAlt = 链接已过期
expiredPageHeader = 此链接已过期或者从未生效。
notSupportedHeader = 不支持您的浏览器。
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = 使用 Firefox Send 网站亦受到 Mozilla <a>网站隐私
deletePopupText = 删除此文件?
deletePopupYes = 是
deletePopupCancel = 取消
.title = 删除
.title = 复制网址
deleteButtonHover = 删除
copyUrlHover = 复制网址
footerLinkLegal = 法律
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = 关于 Test Pilot

View file

@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = 了解更多
uploadPageDropMessage = 將檔案放到此處開始上傳
uploadPageSizeMessage = 為了讓系統能最穩定地執行,請盡量將檔案控制在 1GB 以下。
uploadPageBrowseButton = 選擇您電腦上的檔案
.title = 選擇您電腦上的檔案
uploadPageBrowseButton1 = 選擇要上傳的檔案
.title = 選擇要上傳的檔案
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = 目前暫不支援上傳多個檔案或資料夾。
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = 上傳檔案
uploadingPageProgress = 正在上傳 { $filename }{ $size }
@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = 解密中…
notifyUploadDone = 已完成上傳。
uploadingPageMessage = 檔案上傳後,即可設定過期時間。
uploadingPageCancel = 取消上傳
.title = 取消上傳
uploadCancelNotification = 已取消上傳。
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = 這個檔案有點大,可能需要花點時間上傳,再等會兒!
uploadingFileNotification = 上傳完成時通知我。
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = 準備好傳送
.alt = 上傳
uploadSvgAlt = 上傳
uploadSuccessTimingHeader = 您的檔案鏈結將會在首次下載,或 24 小時後失效。
copyUrlFormLabelWithName = 複製並分享鏈結來傳送您的檔案: { $filename }
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
copyUrlFormButton = 複製到剪貼簿
.title = 複製到剪貼簿
copiedUrl = 已複製!
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
deleteFileButton = 刪除檔案
.title = 刪除檔案
// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
sendAnotherFileLink = 傳送另一個檔案
.title = 傳送另一個檔案
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
.alt = 下載
downloadAltText = 下載
downloadFileName = 下載 { $filename }
downloadFileSize = { $size }
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = 您的朋友正透過 Firefox Send 傳送檔案給您。這是一個可讓您透過安全、隱密、並且會將鏈結加密過,自動失效以確保檔案不會在網路上無限停留的檔案分享服務。
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = 下載
.title = 下載
downloadNotification = 下載完成。
downloadFinish = 下載完成
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = { $partialSize },共 { $totalSize }
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = 試用 Firefox Send
.title = 試用 Firefox Send
downloadingPageProgress = 正在下載 { $filename }{ $size }
downloadingPageMessage = 請保留此分頁開啟,我們將取回這個檔案並進行解密。
.alt = 上傳錯誤
errorAltText = 上傳錯誤
errorPageHeader = 有些東西不對勁!
errorPageMessage = 上傳檔案時發生錯誤。
errorPageLink = 傳送另一個檔案
fileTooBig = 檔案太大無法上傳。檔案大小限制為 { $size }。
.alt = 鏈結已過期
linkExpiredAlt = 鏈結已過期
expiredPageHeader = 鏈結已失效,或根本不存在!
notSupportedHeader = 不支援您的瀏覽器。
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = 使用 Firefox Send 網站時,亦受到 Mozilla 的<a>網
deletePopupText = 真的要刪除這個檔案嗎?
deletePopupYes = 好的,刪除
deletePopupCancel = 不要刪除
.title = 刪除
.title = 複製網址
deleteButtonHover = 刪除
copyUrlHover = 複製網址
footerLinkLegal = 法律資訊
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = 關於 Test Pilot