diff --git a/app/ui/legal.js b/app/ui/legal.js
index 3d653626..cb39cfec 100644
--- a/app/ui/legal.js
+++ b/app/ui/legal.js
@@ -12,67 +12,93 @@ module.exports = function(state, emit) {
         <p class="mt-2">${state.translate('legalDateStamp')}</p>
         <div class="overflow-scroll py-8 px-12">
           <p class="leading-normal">
-            <span
-              >Send is a service from Mozilla that allows you to send electronic
-              files through a safe, private, and encrypted link that
-              automatically expires to ensure your stuff does not remain online
-              forever. Send is also subject to our</span
-            ><a
-              href="https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/websites"
+            <span>When Mozilla receives information from you, our</span>
+            <a
+              href="https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/"
               rel="noopener noreferrer"
               class="text-blue-dark hover:underline"
-              > Websites Privacy Policy</a
-            ><span
-              >. When you visit the Send website, information such as your IP
-              address is temporarily retained as part of a standard server
-              log.</span
+              >Mozilla Privacy Policy</a
+            <span
+              >describes how we handle that information. Below are the top
+              things you should know about Firefox Send. You can also view the
+              code</span
+            >
+            <a
+              href="https://github.com/mozilla/send/blob/master/docs/metrics.md"
+              target="__blank"
+              rel="noopener noreferrer"
+              class="text-blue-dark hover:underline"
+              >here</a
+            >.
-          <br>
-          <p>
-            Here are the other key things you should know about what is
-            happening when you use Send:
           <ul class="mt-6 leading-normal">
             <li class="mb-4">
-              Mozilla receives an encrypted copy of the file you upload, and
-              basic information about the file, such as filename, file hash, and
-              file size. Mozilla does not have the ability to access the content
-              of your encrypted file, and only keeps it for the time or number
-              of downloads indicated.
+              <b>Content</b>: Mozilla receives an encrypted copy of the file you
+              upload but we cannot access the content or name of your encrypted
+              file. By default, files are stored for a maximum of either 24
+              hours or 7 days. If you choose a download cap, the file can be
+              deleted from our server sooner.
             <li class="mb-4">
-              To allow you to see the status of your previously uploaded files,
-              or delete them, basic information about your uploaded files are
-              stored on your local device, such as Send’s identifier for the
-              file, the filename, and the file’s unique download link. This is
-              cleared if you delete your uploaded file or upon visiting Send
-              after the file expires.
+              <b>Data on your device</b>: So that you can check status or delete
+              files, basic information about your uploaded files is stored on
+              your local device. This includes our identifier for the file, the
+              filename, and the file’s unique download URL. This is cleared if
+              you delete your uploaded file or upon visiting Send after the file
+              expires. Note, however, that the URL will persist in your browsing
+              history (and with whomever you shared it) until manually deleted.
             <li class="mb-4">
-              Anyone you provide with the unique link (including the encryption
-              key) to your encrypted file will be able to download and access
-              that file. You should not provide the link to anyone you do not
-              want to have access to your encrypted file.
+              <b>Personal data</b>: The following is necessary to provide the
+              service:
+              <ul class="mt-6 leading-normal">
+                <li class="mb-4">
+                  <u>IP addresses</u>: We receive IP addresses of downloaders
+                  and uploaders as part of our standard server logs. These are
+                  retained for 90 days, and for that period, may be connected to
+                  activity of a file’s download URL. Although we develop our
+                  services in ways that minimize identification, you should know
+                  that it may be possible to correlate the IP address of a Send
+                  user to the IP address of other Mozilla services with
+                  accounts; and if there is a match, this could identify the
+                  account email address.
+                </li>
+                <li class="mb-4">
+                  <u>Firefox Account</u>: This is required for authentication
+                  only if you wish to upload larger file sizes. Your Firefox
+                  Account record will retain aggregate data on your usage of
+                  Send: for example, if you created a Firefox Account in
+                  connection with Send, number of files sent and approximate
+                  file sizes, and how many times you’ve used the service.
+                </li>
+              </ul>
             <li class="mb-4">
-              Send will also collect information about the performance and your
-              use of the service, such as how often you upload files, how long
-              your files remain with Mozilla before they expire, any errors
-              related to file transfers, and what cryptographic protocols your
-              browser supports.
+              <b>Non-personal data</b>: We receive the following to improve our
+              service and performance:
+              <ul class="mt-6 leading-normal">
+                <li class="mb-4">
+                  <u>Interaction data</u>: This includes information such as
+                  number of people sending and receiving files, number of files
+                  uploaded and approximate file sizes, percentage of file
+                  downloaders who become uploaders, how people engage with the
+                  website (time spent, clicks, referrer information, site exit
+                  path, use of passwords).
+                </li>
+                <li class="mb-4">
+                  <u>Technical data</u>: This includes information such as
+                  operating system, browser, language preference, country,
+                  timestamps, duration for file transfer, reasons for errors,
+                  reasons for file expiration.
+                </li>
+              </ul>
             <li class="mb-4">
-              You can learn more about the data Send collects<a
-                href="https://github.com/mozilla/send/blob/master/docs/metrics.md"
-                target="__blank"
-                rel="noopener noreferrer"
-                class="text-blue-dark hover:underline"
-                > here</a
-              >.
+              <b>Third Party Services</b>: We use Google Cloud Platform.
-          </p>