const html = require('choo/html'); const raw = require('choo/html/raw'); const { secondsToL10nId } = require('../utils'); const selectbox = require('./selectbox'); module.exports = function(state, emit) { const el = html` <div class="px-1"> ${raw( state.translate('archiveExpiryInfo', { downloadCount: '<span class="lg:inline-block md:block sm:inline-block block"></span><select id="dlCount"></select>', timespan: '<select id="timespan"></select>' }) )} </div> `; if (el.__encoded) { // we're rendering on the server return el; } const counts = state.DEFAULTS.DOWNLOAD_COUNTS.filter( i => state.capabilities.account || i <= state.user.maxDownloads ); const dlCountSelect = el.querySelector('#dlCount'); el.replaceChild( selectbox( state.archive.dlimit, counts, num => state.translate('downloadCount', { num }), value => { const selected = parseInt(value); state.archive.dlimit = selected; emit('render'); if (selected > parseInt(state.user.maxDownloads || '0')) { console.log('Chosen max download count is larger than the allowed limit', selected) } }, 'expire-after-dl-count-select' ), dlCountSelect ); const expires = state.DEFAULTS.EXPIRE_TIMES_SECONDS.filter( i => state.capabilities.account || i <= state.user.maxExpireSeconds ); const timeSelect = el.querySelector('#timespan'); el.replaceChild( selectbox( state.archive.timeLimit, expires, num => { const l10n = secondsToL10nId(num); return state.translate(, l10n); }, value => { const selected = parseInt(value); state.archive.timeLimit = selected; emit('render'); if (selected > parseInt(state.user.maxExpireSeconds || '0')) { console.log('Chosen download expiration is larger than the allowed limit', selected) } }, 'expire-after-time-select' ), timeSelect ); return el; };