require('./common'); const FileReceiver = require('./fileReceiver'); const { notify, findMetric, sendEvent, gcmCompliant } = require('./utils'); const bytes = require('bytes'); const Storage = require('./storage'); const storage = new Storage(localStorage); const $ = require('jquery'); require('jquery-circle-progress'); const Raven = window.Raven; $(document).ready(function() { gcmCompliant() .then(function() { //link back to homepage $('.send-new').attr('href', window.location.origin); $('.send-new').click(function() { sendEvent('recipient', 'restarted', { cd2: 'completed' }); }); $('.legal-links a, .social-links a, #dl-firefox').click(function(target) { const metric = findMetric(target.currentTarget.href); // record exited event by recipient sendEvent('recipient', 'exited', { cd3: metric }); }); const filename = $('#dl-filename').text(); const bytelength = Number($('#dl-bytelength').text()); const timeToExpiry = Number($('#dl-ttl').text()); //initiate progress bar $('#dl-progress').circleProgress({ value: 0.0, startAngle: -Math.PI / 2, fill: '#3B9DFF', size: 158, animation: { duration: 300 } }); $('#download-btn').click(download); function download() { // Disable the download button to avoid accidental double clicks. $('#download-btn').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); storage.totalDownloads += 1; const fileReceiver = new FileReceiver(); const unexpiredFiles = storage.numFiles; fileReceiver.on('progress', progress => { window.onunload = function() { storage.referrer = 'cancelled-download'; // record download-stopped (cancelled by tab close or reload) sendEvent('recipient', 'download-stopped', { cm1: bytelength, cm5: storage.totalUploads, cm6: unexpiredFiles, cm7: storage.totalDownloads, cd2: 'cancelled' }); }; $('#download-page-one').attr('hidden', true); $('#download-progress').removeAttr('hidden'); const percent = progress[0] / progress[1]; // update progress bar $('#dl-progress').circleProgress('value', percent); $('.percent-number').text(`${Math.floor(percent * 100)}`); $('.progress-text').text( `${filename} (${bytes(progress[0], { decimalPlaces: 1, fixedDecimals: true })} of ${bytes(progress[1], { decimalPlaces: 1 })})` ); }); let downloadEnd; fileReceiver.on('decrypting', isStillDecrypting => { // The file is being decrypted if (isStillDecrypting) { fileReceiver.removeAllListeners('progress'); window.onunload = null; document.l10n.formatValue('decryptingFile').then(decryptingFile => { $('.progress-text').text(decryptingFile); }); } else { downloadEnd =; } }); fileReceiver.on('hashing', isStillHashing => { // The file is being hashed to make sure a malicious user hasn't tampered with it if (isStillHashing) { document.l10n.formatValue('verifyingFile').then(verifyingFile => { $('.progress-text').text(verifyingFile); }); } else { $('.progress-text').text(' '); document.l10n .formatValues('downloadNotification', 'downloadFinish') .then(translated => { notify(translated[0]); $('.title').text(translated[1]); }); } }); const startTime =; // record download-started by recipient sendEvent('recipient', 'download-started', { cm1: bytelength, cm4: timeToExpiry, cm5: storage.totalUploads, cm6: unexpiredFiles, cm7: storage.totalDownloads }); fileReceiver .download() .catch(err => { // record download-stopped (errored) by recipient sendEvent('recipient', 'download-stopped', { cm1: bytelength, cm5: storage.totalUploads, cm6: unexpiredFiles, cm7: storage.totalDownloads, cd2: 'errored', cd6: err }); if (err.message === 'notfound') { location.reload(); } else { document.l10n.formatValue('errorPageHeader').then(translated => { $('.title').text(translated); }); $('#download-btn').attr('hidden', true); $('#expired-img').removeAttr('hidden'); } throw err; }) .then(([decrypted, fname]) => { const endTime =; const totalTime = endTime - startTime; const downloadTime = endTime - downloadEnd; const downloadSpeed = bytelength / (downloadTime / 1000); storage.referrer = 'completed-download'; // record download-stopped (completed) by recipient sendEvent('recipient', 'download-stopped', { cm1: bytelength, cm2: totalTime, cm3: downloadSpeed, cm5: storage.totalUploads, cm6: unexpiredFiles, cm7: storage.totalDownloads, cd2: 'completed' }); const dataView = new DataView(decrypted); const blob = new Blob([dataView]); const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = downloadUrl; if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) { // if we are in microsoft edge or IE window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fname); return; } = fname; document.body.appendChild(a);; }) .catch(err => { Raven.captureException(err); return Promise.reject(err); }); } }) .catch(err => { sendEvent('sender', 'unsupported', { cd6: err }).then(() => { location.replace('/unsupported/gcm'); }); }); });