const html = require('choo/html'); /* Possible strings for l10n shareLinkDescription = Share the link to your file: shareLinkButton = Share link shareMessage = Download "{ $name }" with { -send-brand }: simple, safe file sharing */ module.exports = function(name, url) { return function(state, emit, close) { return html` <send-share-dialog class="flex flex-col items-center text-center p-4 max-w-sm m-auto" > <h1 class="font-bold my-4"> ${state.translate('notifyUploadEncryptDone')} </h1> <p class="font-normal leading-normal text-grey-darkest word-break-all"> Share the link to your file:<br /> ${name} </p> <input type="text" id="share-url" class="w-full my-4 border rounded-lg leading-loose h-12 px-2 py-1" value="${url}" readonly="true" /> <button class="btn rounded-lg w-full flex-no-shrink focus:outline" onclick="${share}" title="Share link" > Share link </button> <button class="text-blue-dark hover:text-blue-darker focus:text-blue-darker my-4 font-medium cursor-pointer focus:outline" onclick="${close}" title="${state.translate('okButton')}" > ${state.translate('okButton')} </button> </send-share-dialog> `; async function share(event) { event.stopPropagation(); try { await navigator.share({ title: state.translate('-send-brand'), text: `Download "${name}" with Firefox Send: simple, safe file sharing`, //state.translate('shareMessage', { name }), url }); } catch (e) { if (e.code === e.ABORT_ERR) { return; } console.error(e); } close(); } }; };