# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. title = Firefox Send siteSubtitle = webeksperiment siteFeedback = Kommentaar uploadPageHeader = Privee, fersifere bestânsdieling uploadPageExplainer = Ferstjoer bestannen troch in feilich, privee en fersifere keppeling dy't automatysk ferrint, om foar te kommen dat jo guod net foar altyd online bliuwt. uploadPageLearnMore = Mear ynfo uploadPageDropMessage = Sleep jo bestân hjir hinne om opladen te starten uploadPageSizeMessage = Foar de meast betroubere wurking, is it it bêste om jo bestân lytser as 1 GB te hâlden uploadPageBrowseButton = Selektearje in bestân op jo kompjûter uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Selektearje in bestân om op te laden uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Opladen fan mear bestannen tagelyk of in map wurdt op dit stuit net stipe. uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Bestân oplade uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wurdt oplaad importingFile = Ymportearje… verifyingFile = Ferifiearje… encryptingFile = Fersiferje… decryptingFile = Untsiferje… notifyUploadDone = Jo oplaad is foltôge. uploadingPageMessage = Sa gau as jo bestân opladen wurdt, kinne jo de opsjes foar de ferrindatum ynstelle. uploadingPageCancel = Opladen annulearje uploadCancelNotification = Jo oplaad is annulearre. uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Dit is in grut bestân en it opladen kin efkes duorje. In amerijke! uploadingFileNotification = Jou in melding as de oplaad foltôge is. uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Ree om te ferstjoeren uploadSvgAlt = Oplaad uploadSuccessTimingHeader = De keppeling nei jo bestân sil nei 1 download ferrinne of nei 24 oeren. expireInfo = De keppeling nei jo bestân sil nei { $downloadCount } of { $timespan } ferrinne. downloadCount = { $num -> [one] 1 download *[other] { $num } downloads } timespanHours = { $num -> [one] 1 oer *[other] { $num } oeren } copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopiearje en diel de keppeling om jo bestân te ferstjoeren: { $filename } copyUrlFormButton = Nei klamboerd kopiearje copiedUrl = Kopiearre! deleteFileButton = Bestân fuortsmite sendAnotherFileLink = Noch in bestân ferstjoere # Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action). downloadAltText = Downloade downloadsFileList = Downloads # Used as header in a column indicating the amount of time left before a # download link expires (e.g. "10h 5m") timeFileList = Tiid # Used as header in a column indicating the number of times a file has been # downloaded downloadFileName = { $filename } downloade downloadFileSize = ({ $size }) unlockInputLabel = Wachtwurd ynfiere unlockInputPlaceholder = Wachtwurd unlockButtonLabel = Deblokkearje downloadFileTitle = Fersifere bestân downloade # Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. downloadMessage = Jo freon stjoert jo in best^n mei Firefox Send, in tsjinst dy't jo yn steat stelt bestannen te dielen mei in feilige, privee en fersifere keppeling dy't automatysk ferrint om wis te wêzen dat jo guod net foar altyd online bliuwt. # Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action). downloadButtonLabel = Downloade downloadNotification = Jo download is foltôge. downloadFinish = Download foltôge # This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)". fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } fan { $totalSize }) # Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send probearje downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wurdt download downloadingPageMessage = Lit dit ljepblêd iepen wylst wy jo bestân krije en ûntsiferje. errorAltText = Oplaadflater errorPageHeader = Der is wat misgien! errorPageMessage = Der is in flater bard wylst it opladen fan jo bestân. errorPageLink = Noch in bestân ferstjoere fileTooBig = It bestân is te grut om op te laden. It moat lytser wêze as { $size }. linkExpiredAlt = Keppeling ferrûn expiredPageHeader = Dizze keppeling is ferrûn of hat nea bestien! notSupportedHeader = Jo browser wurdt net stipe. # Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. notSupportedDetail = Spitigernôch stipet dizze browser de webtechnology dy't Firefox Send mooglik makket net. Jo moatte in oare browser probearje. Wy rekommandearje Firefox! notSupportedLink = Wêrom wurdt myn browser net stipe? notSupportedOutdatedDetail = Spitigernôch stipet dizze ferzje fan Firefox de webtechnology dy't Firefox Send mooflik makket net. Jo moatte jo browser fernije. updateFirefox = Firefox fernije downloadFirefoxButtonSub = Fergese download uploadedFile = Bestân copyFileList = URL kopiearje # expiryFileList is used as a column header expiryFileList = Ferrint oer deleteFileList = Fuortsmite nevermindButton = Lit mar legalHeader = Betingsten en privacy legalNoticeTestPilot = Firefox Send is op dit stuit in Test Pilot-eksperimint en falt ûnder de <a>Betingsten</a> en <a>Privacybelied</a> fan Test Pilot. Mear ynformaasje oer dit eksperimint en de gegevenssamling stiet<a>hjir</a>. legalNoticeMozilla = Gebrûk fan de Firefox Send-website falt ek ûnder it <a>Websites Privacybelied</a> en <a>Websites Gebrûksbetingsten</a> fan Mozilla. deletePopupText = Dit bestân fuortsmite deletePopupYes = Ja deletePopupCancel = Annulearje deleteButtonHover = Fuortsmite copyUrlHover = URL kopiearje footerLinkLegal = Juridysk # Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized. footerLinkAbout = Oer Test Pilot footerLinkPrivacy = Privacy footerLinkTerms = Betingsten footerLinkCookies = Cookies requirePasswordCheckbox = Om dit bestân te downloaden is in wachtwurd fereaske addPasswordButton = Wachtwurd tafoegje changePasswordButton = Wizigje passwordTryAgain = Net krekt wachtwurd. Probearje it opnij. reportIPInfringement = IP-ynbrek melde javascriptRequired = Firefox Send fereasket JavaScript. whyJavascript = Werom hat Firefox Send JavaScript nedich? enableJavascript = Skeakelje JavaScript yn en probearje nochris. # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of hours and minutes remaining as digits, example "13h 47m" expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours }o { $minutes }m # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m" expiresMinutes = { $minutes }m # A short status message shown when a password is successfully set passwordIsSet = Wachtwurd ynsteld # A short status message shown when the user enters a long password maxPasswordLength = Maksimale wachtwurdlingte: { $length } # A short status message shown when there was an error setting the password passwordSetError = Dit wachtwurd koe net ynsteld wurde