const assets = require('../../common/assets'); const routes = require('../routes'); const pages = require('../routes/pages'); const tests = require('../../test/frontend/routes'); const express = require('express'); const expressWs = require('@dannycoates/express-ws'); const morgan = require('morgan'); const config = require('../config'); const ID_REGEX = '([0-9a-fA-F]{10, 16})'; module.exports = function(app, devServer) { const wsapp = express(); expressWs(wsapp, null, { perMessageDeflate: false }); routes(wsapp);'/api/ws', require('../routes/ws')); wsapp.listen(8081, config.listen_address); assets.setMiddleware(devServer.middleware); app.use(morgan('dev', { stream: process.stderr })); function android(req, res) { const index = devServer.middleware.fileSystem .readFileSync(devServer.middleware.getFilenameFromUrl('/android.html')) .toString() .replace( '<base href="file:///android_asset/" />', '<base href="http://localhost:8080/" />' ); res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.send(index); } if (process.env.ANDROID) { // map all html routes to the android index.html app.get('/', android); app.get(`/share/:id${ID_REGEX}`, android); app.get('/completed', android); app.get('/preferences', android); app.get('/options', android); app.get('/oauth', android); } routes(app); tests(app); // webpack-dev-server routes haven't been added yet // so wait for next tick to add 404 handler process.nextTick(() => app.use(pages.notfound)); };