const html = require('choo/html'); const modal = require('./modal'); module.exports = function(state, emit) { return html` <main class="main"> ${state.modal && modal(state, emit)} <div class="flex flex-col items-center bg-white m-4 px-6 py-8 border border-grey-30 md:border-none md:px-12 md:py-16 shadow w-full md:h-full dark:bg-grey-90" > <h1 class="text-center text-3xl font-bold"> ${state.translate('legalTitle')} </h1> <p class="mt-2">${state.translate('legalDateStamp')}</p> <div class="overflow-y-scroll py-8 px-12"> <p class="leading-normal"> <span>When Mozilla receives information from you, our</span> <a href="" target="__blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="link-blue hover:underline" >Mozilla Privacy Policy</a > <span >describes how we handle that information. Below are the top things you should know about Send. You can also view the code</span > <a href="" target="__blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="link-blue hover:underline" >here</a >. </p> <ul class="mt-6 leading-normal"> <li class="mb-4"> <b>Content</b>: Mozilla receives an encrypted copy of the file you upload but we cannot access the content or name of your encrypted file. By default, files are stored for a maximum of either 24 hours or 7 days. If you choose a download cap, the file can be deleted from our server sooner. </li> <li class="mb-4"> <b>Data on your device</b>: So that you can check status or delete files, basic information about your uploaded files is stored on your local device. This includes our identifier for the file, the filename, and the file’s unique download URL. This is cleared if you delete your uploaded file or upon visiting Send after the file expires. Note, however, that the URL will persist in your browsing history (and with whomever you shared it) until manually deleted. </li> <li class="mb-4"> <b>Personal data</b>: The following is necessary to provide the service: <ul class="mt-6 leading-normal"> <li class="mb-4"> <u>IP addresses</u>: We receive IP addresses of downloaders and uploaders as part of our standard server logs. These are retained for 90 days, and for that period, may be connected to activity of a file’s download URL. Although we develop our services in ways that minimize identification, you should know that it may be possible to correlate the IP address of a Send user to the IP address of other Mozilla services with accounts; and if there is a match, this could identify the account email address. </li> <li class="mb-4"> <u>Firefox Account</u>: This is required for authentication only if you wish to upload larger file sizes. Your Firefox Account record will retain aggregate data on your usage of Send: for example, if you created a Firefox Account in connection with Send, number of files sent and approximate file sizes, and how many times you’ve used the service. </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mb-4"> <b>Non-personal data</b>: We receive the following to improve our service and performance: <ul class="mt-6 leading-normal"> <li class="mb-4"> <u>Interaction data</u>: This includes information such as number of people sending and receiving files, number of files uploaded and approximate file sizes, percentage of file downloaders who become uploaders, how people engage with the website (time spent, clicks, referrer information, site exit path, use of passwords). </li> <li class="mb-4"> <u>Technical data</u>: This includes information such as operating system, browser, language preference, country, timestamps, duration for file transfer, reasons for errors, reasons for file expiration. </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mb-4"> <b>Third Party Services</b>: We use Google Cloud Platform. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </main> `; };