test_upload: This will create a file and make sure it uploads by verifying a file uploads and is assigned a URL. test_download: This will create a file, upload it and then download it making sure it is the same filename that was uploaded. We can expand this later to maybe check the sizes and such. test_progress: This will create a file and make sure the progress bar shows up after it begins uploading. These are python tests and use Pipenv to manage dependencies as well as tox as the virtualenv manager, and finally pytest as the test runner.
185 lines
4.9 KiB
185 lines
4.9 KiB
"name": "firefox-send",
"description": "File Sharing Experiment",
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"author": "Mozilla (https://mozilla.org)",
"repository": "mozilla/send",
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"license": "MPL-2.0",
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"test:frontend": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node test/frontend/runner.js && nyc report --reporter=html",
"test-integration-local": "tox -c test/integration/tox.ini",
"test-integration-docker": "docker-compose exec -T --user root selenium-firefox tox -c test/integration/tox.ini",
"start:integration-docker": "docker-compose exec -T --user root selenium-firefox ./test/integration/scripts/start-docker.sh &",
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